Releases: chooron/HydroModels.jl
Releases · chooron/HydroModels.jl
HydroModels v0.2.2
HydroModels v0.2.1
HydroModels v0.2.0
Breaking changes
- Refactored the generation method of the RuntimeGenerate function:
- Added support for ComponentArray type as parameter input, eliminating the need to convert it to Vector type.
- Enabled broadcasting calculations between vectors and scalars in the RuntimeGenerate function, improving computational efficiency and gradient computation efficiency.
- Modified the construction method of Route, now using rfluxes, dfluxes, and proj_func to build the Route type.
- Revised the computational logic of Route, Bucket, and Flux, providing corresponding functions for both three-dimensional and two-dimensional data inputs, avoiding some complex internal data integration operations.
- Added a macro construction method (under test).
Merged pull requests:
- Add dataframe to matrix input conversion (#6) (@olivierbonte)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for DataInterpolations to 7, (keep existing compat) (#11) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for LinearSolve to 3, (keep existing compat) (#12) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for DataInterpolations to 8, (keep existing compat) (#13) (@github-actions[bot])
HydroModels v0.1.5
HydroModels v0.1.4
HydroModels v0.1.3
Closed issues: