Pintra is short for a WordPress + Office 365 intranet that is built using our (partially open source) Framework Pintra-Fx. This framework offers a runtime model across multiple technology layers, to help developers build client-side Office 365 productive intranet experiences and apps for WordPress that meet the advanced requirements of today's modern workplace.
Because Pintra-Fx is rooted in WordPress, it differs greatly from the SharePoint Framework. However, it also offers many similar key features, including the following:
Full support for client-side Office 365 - e.g. SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph - development.
A very simple but robust client API to get access tokens for Office 365 services e.g. SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph
Easy integration with Office 365 data.
It runs in the context of the current user and connection in the browser. There are no iframes for the customization (JavaScript is embedded directly to the page).
The controls are rendered in the normal page DOM.
It is framework-agnostic (but in fairness it is biased towards React at the moment).
The toolchain is based on common open sources client development tools such as npm, TypeScript, and webpack.
Performance is reliable.
Authors can use their (Pintra-Fx) client-side solutions on all (WordPress) pages and posts.
The runtime model uses a standardized WordPress shortcode to inject a client-side JavaScript solution into any WordPress page or post. The shortcode merely acts as a wrapper for this solution and is easy to configure. Think of this shortcode as SharePoint's Script Editor WebPart that was used to inject custom JavaScript into a SharePoint page.
To develop your client-solution, the runtime model includes a very simple but robust client-side API (available as NPM package) to get access tokens for Office 365 services e.g. SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph and store them in the browser's local storage until expired. When expired, the API will use the server-side stored refresh token to get a fresh new access token.
To be able to request access tokens, the runtime expects that WordPress authentication has been delegated to Microsoft's Azure AD and that you have one of the following plugins installed, activated, and configured:
WordPress + Office 365 Login plugin (Premium version available). It is also this plugin that provides the server-side AJAX server used by the client-side API and the shortcode used to inject your Pintra client-side solution into a page.
The Pintra-Fx JavaScript library is licensed under ... Other components of the Pintra Framework are separately licensed. Premium versions must be acquired through the company Downloads by Van Wieren and are available from the WPO365 website.
Go to our Support Page to get in touch with us. We haven't been able to test our solution(s) in all endless possible WordPress configurations and versions, so we are keen to hear from you and happy to learn! Share your feedback with us on Twitter and help us get better!
The runtime model relies on users signing into your WordPress website with Microsoft. This way the runtime can ensure that the user has an active session that can be leveraged to request access tokens for Office 365 e.g. SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph, on behalf of the user.
This does mean that the runtime model expects one of the following plugins to be installed, activated, and properly configured:
Please visit our website to find out more about the premium features:
- User Registration
- Single Sign-on
- User Synchronization
Pintra client-side solutions are injected into any WordPress page or post using a WordPress shortcode, e.g.:
[pintra props="resourceId," script_url=""]
The WordPress shortcode is a macro that can be used in any WordPress page or post. The [pintra] shortcode takes two parameters:
Parameter | Usage |
props | [Optional] Comma separated key/value pairs (concatenated by a semicolon) that are injected into the client-side solution |
script_url | URL that points to a script that contains your client-side solution |
When a WordPress page or post is being rendered, the shortcode macro injects the following HTML into the page (and replaces the PHP $tags with relevant data e.g. with values from the shortcode's parameters):
<!-- Dependencies -->
<!-- Main -->
src="<?php echo $script_url ?>"
data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'pintra_fx_nonce' ) ?>"
data-wpajaxadminurl="<?php echo admin_url() . '/admin-ajax.php' ?>"
data-props="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $props ) ?>"
You can see from the previous code snippet that first react@16 and react-dom@16 are injected into the page and then the custom client-side solution is being loaded from the script_url shortcode's parameter. This way a WordPress page or post author can use the shortcode to insert any client-side app into the page or post; no special knowledge is required!
For the shortcode to be able to pass data to the client-side solution, HTML5 data attributes are used. When you keep reading, you'll find a bit further down that the Pintra API's AppLauncher class offers a helper method getReactDomConfig that will read those attributes and make them available to the client-side solution when it initializes, as follows:
import React = require('react')
import ReactDOM = require('react-dom')
import { RecentDocuments } from './components/RecentDocuments'
import {
} from 'pintra-fx'
const reactDomConfig: IReactDomConfig = AppLauncher.getReactDomConfig()
<RecentDocuments env={reactDomConfig.env} />,
In this example, the client-solution renders an ordinary react component called PintraSampleApp. However, the client-side solution does not know the WordPress page or post and therefore does not know what HTML element will be its root element. The Pintra API helps with some black magic when calling AppLauncher.getReactDomConfig():
interface IReactDomConfig {
rootId: string;
env: any;
const reactDomConfig: IReactDomConfig = AppLauncher.getReactDomConfig();
Calling AppLauncher.getReactDomConfig() will locate the executing script in the DOM and adds a new DIV element as a child to the parent of that SCRIPT element. It will also assign a random ID to it and return this ID as the rootId property of the object it returns. This way, the same client-side solution can be added to any page or post multiple times, without the problem of multiple DOM elements having the same ID.
Additionally, the me will read the aforementioned attributes from the executing script's DOM element and return them in the form of the env property.
In the current example, PintraSampleApp is an ordinary react component that expects one property, namely env (where env is IReactDomConfig.env transparently passed down).
Especially worth mentioning is the shortcode's props parameter that is converted to a JSON object by the API. The props parameter can hold settings and configuration data that is very specific to the client-side solution but that may not be available at build time e.g. the resource-id of your SharePoint Online tenant. So in the case of the sample app, the IReactDomConfig.env property may look as follows:
nonce: '000c119b56';
props: {
resourceId: '';
wpAjaxAdminUrl: '';
The real power of the Pintra Framework does not lie in the fact that it helps to cross bridges from WordPress Authoring (shortcode) into WordPress programming (PHP) into the client-side Universum (JavaScript). Sure, it's a nice feature and probably it's useful to enable WordPress authors to parameterize client-side solutions as they see fit. However, to build amazing intranet experiences based on Office 365 e.g. SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph, it's vital that the client-side solution can obtain access tokens on behalf of the current user. There are existing client-side technologies to achieve this e.g. ADAL.JS, but developers with experience in this field will know that end-users more often than not are confronted with annoying popup screens for authentication, slowly loading iframes that are injected in the page or specifically in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge with security zone issues.
The Pintra Framework relies on authentication to Office 365 (Azure AD) being handled by the WordPress + Office 365 Login plugin (Premium version available). Therefore you must have this plugin installed, activated, and successfully configured before you can build your first Office 365 e.g. SharePoint Online or Microsoft Graph client-side app. The plugin will provide a WordPress AJAX service that is consumed by the Pintra API's TokenCache class.
The TokenCache class offers a simple API to developers of client-side solutions to get access tokens for Office 365 services e.g. SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph, on behalf of end-users. It will subsequently store those tokens in the browser's local storage until expired. When expired, the API will use the server-side stored refresh token to get a fresh new access token. The following example illustrates this (from GetTokenButton example on Github):
import React = require('react')
import { TokenCache, TokenRequest, TokenRequestError, IToken } from 'pintra-fx'
export interface IGetTokenButtonProps {
env: {
nonce: string
wpAjaxAdminUrl: string
props: any
export class GetTokenButton extends React.Component<IGetTokenButtonProps, {}> {
public constructor(props: IGetTokenButtonProps) {
this.state = {
items: [],
public render(): React.ReactElement<IGetTokenButtonProps> {
return (
<button onClick={() =>}>Get Microsoft Graph Token</button>
private async click() {
const tokenResponse = await TokenCache.getToken(
new TokenRequest(
this.props.env.props.resourceId /* */,
nonce: this.props.env
.nonce /* a random value generated by WordPress and injected by Pintra Framework */,
wpAjaxAdminUrl: this.props.env
.wpAjaxAdminUrl /* e.g. http://localhost/website/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php */,
if (tokenResponse instanceof Error) {
return new Error('Unexpected: Could not retrieve a valid access token.')
const token = tokenResponse as IToken
return token.bearer
And if getting a token was successful, the TokenResponse contain the information requested:
name: "graph",
expires: 1541369643000,
bearer: "eyJ0eXAiOi..."
Whether or not this token was retrieved from the local browser cache or needed to be refreshed and therefore is a new token that was requested asynchronously from the WordPress AJAX service is decided by the API. In other words: as a developer of a client-side solution you may assume the TokenResponse always to contain a valid token. The client-side Pintra API will manage the validity and expiration.
In case the API cannot produce a valid token it will return a TokenRequestError with error information and codes that you as a developer must process e.g. when the user is required to interactively re-authenticate when the active session has expired.
cd projects
git clone
Alternatively, you can manually create a folder in your projects directory, navigate to the github repository, and download the app instead.
Now change into the project directory and run npm install.
cd pintra-fx-examples
npm install
This will download all the missing packages into the node_modules folder, based on the dependencies listed in the package.json file that you can find in the root of the project folder.
One of the dependencies is pintra-fx. This is our JavaScript API that provides developers with several methods to get access tokens for Azure AD secured resources e.g. SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph by calling the AJAX web service offered by our WordPress + Office 365 authentication plugin(s).
For your projects you can include this library using npm as follows:
npm install pintra-fx --save
The project is built by running webpack.
This will create the production optimized javascript files dist.js and in the dist folder in the root of the project.
Now you need to deploy and test the app. To do so you can place the files anywhere where they can be retrieved by your users. Do you remember the WordPress shortcode that was discussed previously? Let's look at this again...
[pintra props="resourceId," script_url=""]
The shortcode expects a parameter that is a routable URL that points to the file. In this example, the file has been uploaded to an Azure Blob Storage. For production, you can consider creating a CDN endpoint for it.
For development purposes you maybe need to improvise a little bit. Most likely you can simply xcopy the files from the project's dist folder to a virtual directory on your development web server. An example of how to automate this can be found in the package.json file's scripts property (running npm run build will first run webpack and then xcopy the files from one to the other location.
The fact that deployment of the app and its files are fully separated from your WordPress allows a decoupled and automated integration and deployment scenario and it does not require you to install a new plugin for each new app.
The WordPress shortcode is available when you have installed one of our [WordPress + Office 365 authentication plugins](WordPress + Office 365 authentication plugin(s)). Simply add it to a page or post and configure the necessary parameter:
[pintra props="resourceId," script_url=""]
Please note that the props parameter is optional and that the required configuration will be different for each Pintra Framework app. Whatever is configured as a shortcode parameter, can be read by the app and may be used when the app executes. Sometimes the app needs runtime settings that are unknown during development. For example, if your app needs to get an access token for SharePoint Online then you need to pass in the so-called resource ID. Since the resource ID for SharePoint Online is different for each tenant, it must be injected in the app - at least when you would like to distribute your app to multiple customers or if you have multiple tenants e.g. one for development, one for testing, and one for production.
In the last weeks of 2018 support for the Azure AD authorization and token v2.0 endpoints will be added to the WordPress plugin(s). The Pintra Framework has been updated to support this, but the documentation is not yet final. However, if you are interested, then please have a look at the available code online and play around with the new API methods TokenCache.getTokenV2 that expects a TokenRequestV2 parameter. The main difference between v1.0 and v2.0 is the fact that each token is requested for a scope instead of a resource. So rather than providing a resourceId e.g., you will provide the requested in a v2.0 compatible way e.g.
With the Pintra Framework you can start writing intranet and apps for WordPress + Office 365 within minutes and I hope that this guide, the open source technologies provided and the sample app have helped you gain an understanding of how to achieve this.
I realize that the Pintra Framework approach differs greatly from writing Office 365 apps for SharePoint using the SPFx framework - the official addin framework for SharePoint that - even though it's a fantastic effort from many great people - has become rather complicated.
Version | Date | Description |
0.5.0 | 13.04.2020 | Change: Added scriptContextUrl and fixed vulnerabilities |
0.4.0 | 03.11.2019 | Change: Added scriptContextUrl and fixed vulnerabilities |
0.3.2 | 01.06.2019 | Fix: Updated axios due to a vunerability report |
0.3.1 | 01.06.2019 | Fix: Updated axios due to a vunerability report |
0.3.0 | 21.12.2018 | Change: Added method to clear the locally stored tokens |
0.2.1 | 21.12.2018 | Fix: TokenRequestError is now correctly created as custom error |
0.2.0 | 02.12.2018 | Change: TokenCache.getToken now returns a promise |
Change: Support for AAD v2.0 | ||
0.1.2 | 16.11.2018 | Fix: README updated |
0.1.1 | 16.11.2018 | Fix: README updated |
0.1.0 | 15.11.2018 | Initial version |