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Merge pull request #2727 from chipsalliance/elaboration-artefacts-ann…
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add ElaborationArtefactAnnotation
  • Loading branch information
albertchen-sifive authored Nov 12, 2020
2 parents 0049f6e + fda1670 commit 923ec05
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/util/ElaborationArtefactAnnotation.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.

package freechips.rocketchip.util

import firrtl.RenameMap
import firrtl.annotations.{Annotation, HasSerializationHints}
import firrtl.annotations.{IsModule, ReferenceTarget}

import chisel3.{Data, SyncReadMem}
import chisel3.experimental.{BaseModule, ChiselAnnotation}

import scala.collection.mutable

/** Like [[ElaborationArtefact]] but in annotation form.
* Does not implement [[CustomFileEmission]] because outputFile should be
* interpreted as the final, static filepath instead of computing from
* [[StageOptions]]. This is because the full outputFile path is computed by
* chisel but the contents are emitted by firrtl, which may have a different
* set of [[StageOptions]].
* FIXME: tokens should be [[List[Token]]] but JSON serialization fails with
* "no usable constructor for Token"
case class ElaborationArtefactAnnotation(outputFile: String, tokens: List[Any]) extends Annotation with HasSerializationHints {
def update(renames: RenameMap): Seq[Annotation] = {
Seq(this.copy(tokens = tokens.collect {
case t: Token => t.update(renames)
case other => other

def typeHints: Seq[Class[_]] = Seq(

object ElaborationArtefactAnnotation {
/** Emits [[ElaborationArtefactAnnotation]] for the given filename extension and tokens.
def annotate(filename: String, tokens: => Seq[Token]): Unit = {
chisel3.experimental.annotate(new ChiselAnnotation {
def toFirrtl = ElaborationArtefactAnnotation(filename, tokens.toList)

sealed trait Token {
def update(renames: RenameMap): Token

case class StringToken(value: String) extends Token {
def update(renames: RenameMap) = this

case class ModulePathToken(target: IsModule) extends Token {
def update(renames: RenameMap) = {
renames.get(target) match {
case None => this
case Some(Seq(newModule: IsModule)) => this.copy(target = newModule)
case Some(other) => throw new Exception(s"module $target cannot be renamed to $other")

case class MemoryPathToken(target: ReferenceTarget) extends Token {
def update(renames: RenameMap) = {
renames.get(target) match {
case None => this
case Some(Seq(newRef: ReferenceTarget)) => this.copy(target = newRef)
case Some(other) => throw new Exception(s"memory $target cannot be renamed to $other")

case class ReferencePathToken(target: ReferenceTarget) extends Token {
def update(renames: RenameMap) = {
renames.get(target) match {
case None => this
case Some(Seq(newRef: ReferenceTarget)) => this.copy(target = newRef)
case Some(other) => throw new Exception(s"reference $target cannot be renamed to $other")

object Token {
/** An interpolator that generates tokens. Arguments for which a
* [[Tokenizer]] instance is defined will be turned into a [[Token]] using
* the [[Tokenizer]] instance, [[Seq]] elements will be recursively
* converted to Tokens, and all other values will be turned into
* [[StringToken]]s using their .toString method.
implicit class TokensInterpolator(private val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
def tokens(args: Any*): Seq[Token] = {
val strings =
val expressions = args.iterator
var tokenBuf = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Token]()
// buffer to build up the next string token
val stringBuf = new StringBuilder(
def append(any: Any): Unit = {
var nonStringToken: Option[Token] = None
any match {
case s: String => stringBuf ++= s
case d: Data => nonStringToken = Some(Token(d))
case m: SyncReadMem[_] => nonStringToken= Some(Token(m))
case m: BaseModule => nonStringToken = Some(Token(m))
case t: Token => nonStringToken = Some(t)
case seq: Seq[_] => seq.foreach(append)
case other => stringBuf ++= other.toString
if (nonStringToken.isDefined) {
if (stringBuf.nonEmpty) {
tokenBuf += StringToken(stringBuf.toString)
tokenBuf += nonStringToken.get
while (strings.hasNext) {
stringBuf ++=
tokenBuf += StringToken(stringBuf.toString)

def apply[T: Tokenizer](t: T): Token = Tokenizer[T].toToken(t)

sealed trait Tokenizer[T] {
def toToken(t: T): Token

object Tokenizer {
def apply[T: Tokenizer] = implicitly[Tokenizer[T]]

private def tokenizer[T](fn: T => Token): Tokenizer[T] = new Tokenizer[T] {
def toToken(t: T) = fn(t)

implicit def stringTokenizer: Tokenizer[String] = tokenizer(StringToken(_: String))
implicit def modulePathTokenizer: Tokenizer[BaseModule] = tokenizer((m: BaseModule) => ModulePathToken(m.toTarget))
implicit def memPathTokenizer[T <: Data]: Tokenizer[SyncReadMem[T]] = tokenizer((m: SyncReadMem[_]) => MemoryPathToken(m.toTarget))
implicit def refPathTokenizer[T <: Data]: Tokenizer[T] = tokenizer((d: T) => ReferencePathToken(d.toTarget))

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