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Merge pull request #2461 from chipsalliance/dynamic-local-and-remote-…
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Dynamic local and remote order
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terpstra authored May 15, 2020
2 parents a31e00d + e9beab8 commit 55ddc23
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Showing 5 changed files with 107 additions and 96 deletions.
44 changes: 20 additions & 24 deletions src/main/scala/diplomacy/Parameters.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ case class AddressSet(base: BigInt, mask: BigInt) extends Ordered[AddressSet]

def subtract(x: AddressSet): Seq[AddressSet] = {
if (!overlaps(x)) {
} else {
val new_inflex = ~x.mask & mask
// !!! this fractures too much; find a better algorithm
val fracture = AddressSet.enumerateMask(new_inflex).flatMap(m => intersect(AddressSet(m, ~new_inflex)))
intersect(x) match {
case None => Seq(this)
case Some(remove) => AddressSet.enumerateBits(mask & ~remove.mask).map { bit =>
val nmask = (mask & (bit-1)) | remove.mask
val nbase = (remove.base ^ bit) & ~nmask
AddressSet(nbase, nmask)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,24 +219,20 @@ object AddressSet

def unify(seq: Seq[AddressSet], bit: BigInt): Seq[AddressSet] = {
// Pair terms up by ignoring 'bit'
seq.groupBy(x => x.copy(base = x.base & ~bit)).map { case (key, seq) =>
if (seq.size == 1) {
seq.head // singleton -> unaffected
} else {
key.copy(mask = key.mask | bit) // pair - widen mask by bit

def unify(seq: Seq[AddressSet]): Seq[AddressSet] = {
val n = seq.size
val array = Array(seq:_*)
var filter = Array.fill(n) { false }
for (i <- 0 until n-1) { if (!filter(i)) {
for (j <- i+1 until n) { if (!filter(j)) {
val a = array(i)
val b = array(j)
if (a.mask == b.mask && isPow2(a.base ^ b.base)) {
val c_base = a.base & ~(a.base ^ b.base)
val c_mask = a.mask | (a.base ^ b.base)
filter.update(j, true)
array.update(i, AddressSet(c_base, c_mask))
val out = (array zip filter) flatMap { case (a, f) => if (f) None else Some(a) }
if (out.size != n) unify(out) else out.toList
val bits = | _)
AddressSet.enumerateBits(bits).foldLeft(seq) { case (acc, bit) => unify(acc, bit) }.sorted

def enumerateMask(mask: BigInt): Seq[BigInt] = {
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/diplomaticobjectmodel/model/OMISA.scala
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ case object Bare extends OMAddressTranslationMode
case object Sv32 extends OMAddressTranslationMode
case object Sv39 extends OMAddressTranslationMode
case object Sv48 extends OMAddressTranslationMode
// unratified/subject-to-change in the RISC-V priviledged ISA specification:
case object Sv57 extends OMAddressTranslationMode

trait OMBaseInstructionSet extends OMEnum
case object RV32E extends OMBaseInstructionSet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ object OMISA {
case 32 if (pgLevels == 2) => Sv32
case 64 if (pgLevels == 3) => Sv39
case 64 if (pgLevels == 4) => Sv48
case 64 if (pgLevels == 5) => Sv57
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"ERROR: Invalid Xlen/PgLevels combination: $xLen/$pgLevels")

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77 changes: 46 additions & 31 deletions src/main/scala/tilelink/AddressAdjuster.scala
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Expand Up @@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ class AddressAdjuster(val params: ReplicatedRegion, val forceLocal: Seq[AddressS
val mask = params.replicationMask
// Which bits are in the mask?
val bits = AddressSet.enumerateBits(mask)
// Which ids must we route within that mask?
val ids = AddressSet.enumerateMask(mask)
// Find the intersection of the mask with some region
private def masked(region: Seq[AddressSet], offset: BigInt = 0): Seq[AddressSet] = {
region.flatMap { _.intersect(AddressSet(offset, ~mask)) }
// Find the portion of the addresses which correspond to prefix0
private def prefix0(region: Seq[AddressSet]): Seq[AddressSet] = {
region.flatMap { _.intersect(params.local) }
private def prefixNot0(region: Seq[AddressSet]): Seq[AddressSet] = {
region.flatMap { _.subtract(params.local) }

// forceLocal better only go one place (the low index)
forceLocal.foreach { as => require((as.max & mask) == 0) }

// Address Adjustment requires many things about the downstream devices, captured here as helper functions:

// Report whether a region of addresses fully contains a particular manager
def isDeviceContainedBy(region: Seq[AddressSet], m: TLSlaveParameters): Boolean = {
val addr = masked(m.address)
val addr = prefix0(m.address)
val any_in = region.exists { f => addr.exists { a => f.overlaps(a) } }
val any_out = region.exists { f => addr.exists { a => !f.contains(a) } }
// Ensure device is either completely inside or outside this region
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ class AddressAdjuster(val params: ReplicatedRegion, val forceLocal: Seq[AddressS

def sameSupport(local: Seq[TLSlaveParameters], remote: Seq[TLSlaveParameters]): (Boolean, Seq[AddressSet]) = {
val ra = masked(remote.flatMap(_.address))
val la = masked(local .flatMap(_.address))
val ra = prefix0(remote.flatMap(_.address))
val la = prefix0(local .flatMap(_.address))
val holes = la.foldLeft(ra) { case (holes, la) => holes.flatMap(_.subtract(la)) }
val covered = remote.forall { r =>
r.address.forall { ra =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ class AddressAdjuster(val params: ReplicatedRegion, val forceLocal: Seq[AddressS
val local = mp(0)
val remote = mp(1)

// Confirm that the two manager paths have homogeneous FIFO ids

// Subdivide the managers into four cases: (adjustable vs fixed) x (local vs remote)
val adjustableLocalManagers = local.managers.filter(m => isDeviceContainedBy(Seq(params.region), m))
val fixedLocalManagers = local.managers.filter(m => !isDeviceContainedBy(Seq(params.region), m))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,10 +159,6 @@ class AddressAdjuster(val params: ReplicatedRegion, val forceLocal: Seq[AddressS
// Confirm that the error device can supply all the same capabilities as the remote path
errorDev.foreach { e => requireErrorSupport(e, adjustableRemoteManagers) }

// Confirm that each subset of adjustable managers have homogeneous FIFO ids

// Actually rewrite the PMAs for the adjustable local devices
val newLocals = { l =>
// Ensure that every local device has a matching remote device
Expand All @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class AddressAdjuster(val params: ReplicatedRegion, val forceLocal: Seq[AddressS
// All other PMAs are replaced with the capabilities of the remote path, since that's all we can know statically.
// Capabilities supported by the remote but not the local will result in dynamic re-reouting to the error device.
address = AddressSet.unify(masked(l.address) ++ (if (Some(l) == errorDev) holes else Nil)),
address = AddressSet.unify(prefix0(l.address) ++ (if (Some(l) == errorDev) holes else Nil)),
regionType = r.regionType,
executable = r.executable,
supportsAcquireT = r.supportsAcquireT,
Expand All @@ -186,27 +186,21 @@ class AddressAdjuster(val params: ReplicatedRegion, val forceLocal: Seq[AddressS
mayDenyGet = r.mayDenyGet,
mayDenyPut = r.mayDenyPut,
alwaysGrantsT = r.alwaysGrantsT,
fifoId = Some(if (isDeviceContainedBy(forceLocal, l)) ids.size else 0))
fifoId = Some(0))

// Actually rewrite the PMAs for the adjustable remote region too, to account for the differing FIFO domains under the mask
val newRemotes = ids.tail.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (id, i) => { r =>
val newRemotes = { r =>
address = AddressSet.unify(masked(r.address, offset = id)),
fifoId = Some(i+1))
} }

// Relable the FIFO domains for certain manager subsets
val fifoIdFactory = TLXbar.relabeler()
def relabelFifo(managers: Seq[TLSlaveParameters]): Seq[TLSlaveParameters] = {
val fifoIdMapper = fifoIdFactory() => m.v1copy(fifoId =
address = prefixNot0(r.address),
fifoId = Some(0))

val newManagerList =
relabelFifo(newLocals ++ newRemotes) ++
relabelFifo(fixedLocalManagers) ++
newLocals ++
newRemotes ++
fixedLocalManagers ++

managers = newManagerList,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,13 +243,34 @@ class AddressAdjuster(val params: ReplicatedRegion, val forceLocal: Seq[AddressS
def routeLocal(addr: UInt): Bool = Mux(isAdjustable(addr), isDynamicallyLocal(addr), isStaticallyLocal(addr))

// Route A by address, but reroute unsupported operations
val a_stall = Wire(Bool())
val a_local = routeLocal(parent.a.bits.address)
parent.a.ready := Mux(a_local, local.a.ready, remote.a.ready)
local .a.valid := parent.a.valid && a_local
remote.a.valid := parent.a.valid && !a_local
parent.a.ready := Mux(a_local, local.a.ready, remote.a.ready) && !a_stall
local .a.valid := parent.a.valid && a_local && !a_stall
remote.a.valid := parent.a.valid && !a_local && !a_stall
local .a.bits := parent.a.bits
remote.a.bits := parent.a.bits

// Count beats
val a_first = parentEdge.first(parent.a)
val d_first = parentEdge.first(parent.d) && parent.d.bits.opcode =/= TLMessages.ReleaseAck

// Keep one bit for each source recording if there is an outstanding request that must be made FIFO
// Sources unused in the stall signal calculation should be pruned by DCE
val flight = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(parentEdge.client.endSourceId) { false.B }))
when (a_first && { flight(parent.a.bits.source) := true.B }
when (d_first && { flight(parent.d.bits.source) := false.B }

val stalls = parentEdge.client.clients.filter(c => c.requestFifo && c.sourceId.size > 1).map { c =>
val a_sel = c.sourceId.contains(parent.a.bits.source)
val local = RegEnable(a_local, && a_sel)
val track = flight.slice(c.sourceId.start, c.sourceId.end)

a_sel && a_first && track.reduce(_ || _) && (local =/= a_local)

a_stall := stalls.foldLeft(false.B)(_||_)

val (allSame, holes) = sameSupport(adjustableLocalManagers, adjustableRemoteManagers)

val dynamicLocal = AddressSet.unify(adjustableLocalManagers.flatMap(_.address))
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/tilelink/BusWrapper.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -356,8 +356,7 @@ case class AddressAdjusterWrapperParams(
blockBytes: Int,
beatBytes: Int,
replication: Option[ReplicatedRegion],
forceLocal: Seq[AddressSet] = Nil,
policy: TLFIFOFixer.Policy = TLFIFOFixer.allVolatile
forceLocal: Seq[AddressSet] = Nil
extends HasTLBusParams
with TLBusWrapperInstantiationLike
Expand All @@ -374,7 +373,7 @@ case class AddressAdjusterWrapperParams(
class AddressAdjusterWrapper(params: AddressAdjusterWrapperParams, name: String)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWrapper(params, name) {
private val address_adjuster = { r => LazyModule(new AddressAdjuster(r, params.forceLocal)) }
private val viewNode = TLIdentityNode()
val inwardNode: TLInwardNode = :*=* TLFIFOFixer(params.policy) :*=* viewNode).getOrElse(viewNode)
val inwardNode: TLInwardNode = :*=* viewNode).getOrElse(viewNode)
def outwardNode: TLOutwardNode =
def busView: TLEdge =
val prefixNode =
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74 changes: 36 additions & 38 deletions src/main/scala/tilelink/Parameters.scala
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Expand Up @@ -1113,47 +1113,45 @@ case class TLRationalEdgeParameters(client: TLRationalClientPortParameters, mana
def formatEdge = client.infoString + "\n" + manager.infoString

// To be unified, devices must agree on all of these terms
case class ManagerUnificationKey(
resources: Seq[Resource],
regionType: RegionType.T,
executable: Boolean,
supportsAcquireT: TransferSizes,
supportsAcquireB: TransferSizes,
supportsArithmetic: TransferSizes,
supportsLogical: TransferSizes,
supportsGet: TransferSizes,
supportsPutFull: TransferSizes,
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes,
supportsHint: TransferSizes)

object ManagerUnificationKey
def apply(x: TLManagerParameters): ManagerUnificationKey = ManagerUnificationKey(
resources = x.resources,
regionType = x.regionType,
executable = x.executable,
supportsAcquireT = x.supportsAcquireT,
supportsAcquireB = x.supportsAcquireB,
supportsArithmetic = x.supportsArithmetic,
supportsLogical = x.supportsLogical,
supportsGet = x.supportsGet,
supportsPutFull = x.supportsPutFull,
supportsPutPartial = x.supportsPutPartial,
supportsHint = x.supportsHint)

object ManagerUnification
def apply(managers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]): List[TLManagerParameters] = {
// To be unified, devices must agree on all of these terms
case class TLManagerKey(
resources: Seq[Resource],
regionType: RegionType.T,
executable: Boolean,
supportsAcquireT: TransferSizes,
supportsAcquireB: TransferSizes,
supportsArithmetic: TransferSizes,
supportsLogical: TransferSizes,
supportsGet: TransferSizes,
supportsPutFull: TransferSizes,
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes,
supportsHint: TransferSizes)
def key(x: TLManagerParameters) = TLManagerKey(
resources = x.resources,
regionType = x.regionType,
executable = x.executable,
supportsAcquireT = x.supportsAcquireT,
supportsAcquireB = x.supportsAcquireB,
supportsArithmetic = x.supportsArithmetic,
supportsLogical = x.supportsLogical,
supportsGet = x.supportsGet,
supportsPutFull = x.supportsPutFull,
supportsPutPartial = x.supportsPutPartial,
supportsHint = x.supportsHint)
val map = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[TLManagerKey, TLManagerParameters]()
managers.foreach { m =>
val k = key(m)
map.get(k) match {
case None => map.update(k, m)
case Some(n) => {
map.update(k, m.v1copy(
address = m.address ++ n.address,
fifoId = None)) // Merging means it's not FIFO anymore!
} => m.v1copy(address = AddressSet.unify(m.address))).toList
managers.groupBy(ManagerUnificationKey.apply) { seq =>
val agree = seq.forall(_.fifoId == seq.head.fifoId)
address = AddressSet.unify(seq.flatMap(_.address)),
fifoId = if (agree) seq(0).fifoId else None)

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