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Very basic framework for composable parameterized large language model (Q)LoRA / (Q)Dora fine-tuning using mlx, mlx_lm, and OgbujiPT.


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A very basic framework for composable, parameterized Large Language Model (Q or D)LoRa fine-tuning with MLX. It uses MLX, mlx_lm, and OgbujiPT, and is based primarily on the excellent mlx-example libraries but adds very minimal architecture for model fine tuning, hyperparameter sweeping, and other capabilities for the most common needs.


Can be installed via:

$ pip install mlx-tuning-fork

Command-line options

You can get documentation of the command-line options for the fine-tuning command (mlx_tuning_fork_training) via:

% mlx_tuning_fork_training --help
Usage: mlx_tuning_fork_training [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILES]...

  --verbose / --no-verbose
  --summary / --no-summary  Just summarize training data
  --train-type [lora|dora]
  --wandb-project TEXT      Wandb project name
  --wandb-run TEXT          Wandb run name
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


It uses mlx_lm's YAML config format and adds additional parameters and sections in a configuration file that represents a unit of training. These are composable in the sense that they can be called one after another, with the resulting adapters from one step of evaluating a configuration file as the basis (resume_adapter_file) for a subsequent one.

In this way, configurations can orchestrate the use of MLX for continuous pretraining followed by instruction fine tuning, for example.

It provides configuration parameters for automatically determining values for mlx_lm fine-tuning parameters that configure how the training is run:

  • the total number of steps/iterations to run (iters)
  • the number of iterations between validation runs to evaluate the model (steps_per_eval, same semantics as axolotl's eval_steps)
  • the number of iterations between the calculation of training loss (steps_per_report)
  • the number of steps between the writing out of the (D/L)oRA adapter (save_every)
  • the number of batches of records from the validation set to use for each validation run (val_batches)

In particular, the following additional configurations can be used to automatically determine the values for these parameters:

  • epochs (How many epochs, i.e., the number of iterations for a full pass of the data)
    • If specified, it determines the total number of iterations (iters) from the size of the training set, the batch size (batch_size), and the requested number of epochs
  • evals_per_epoch Same as axolotl's hyperparameter of the same name (The number of validations to run for each epoch)
    • If specified, it calculates steps_per_eval using evals_per_epoch, the size of the training set, the batch size, the number of iterations in an epoch, and the requested number of epochs. It also calculates val_batches such that all validation records are used by the end of the epoch or according to eval_proportion_of_total, if specified.
  • eval_proportion_of_total (The proportion of the complete set of validation data to use for each validation - defaults to .25 or 25%)
    • Used with evals_per_epoch and, if provided, sets scaled_val_batches accordingly
  • reporting_interval_proportion (The proportion of iterations in an epoch to wait between calculating training loss - defaults to .01 or 1%)
    • Used to determine steps_per_report
  • validation_interval_proportion (The proportion of iterations in an epoch to wait between validations - defaults to 0.2 or 20%)
    • This is used if evals_per_epoch is not specified to determine steps_per_eval
  • validations_per_train_item (The ratio of the number of validation per training record seen - defaults to .5 or 1 validation per 2 training records)
    • This is used if evals_per_epoch is not provided and is used to determine scaled_val_batches
  • saves_per_epoch Same as axolotl's hyperparameter of the same name (The number of times a LoRa adapter is saved for each epoch - defaults to 2)
    • If provided, it is used to determine save_every
  • adapter_save_interval_proportion (Same proportions for intervals between saving the LoRa adapter - defaults to .1)
    • Used to determine save_ever if saves_per_epoch is not provided


mlx-tuning-fork also includes a command for generating from mlx models: mlx_tuning_fork_generate

% mlx_tuning_fork_generate --help
Usage: python -m mlx_tuning_fork.generate [OPTIONS] MODEL_NAME

  --loom-file TEXT                An OgbujiPT word loom file to use for prompt
  --loom-markers TEXT             Loom marker values
  -p, --prompt TEXT               Commandline prompt (overrides) prompt in
                                  YAML configuration
  -t, --temperature FLOAT         Prompt generation temperature
  -nt, --num-tokens INTEGER       Overide number of tokens in config file
  -f, --prompt-format [mistral|chatml|llama3|alpaca|phi|gemma]
  -a, --adapter-path TEXT         Adapter to use instead of the one specified
                                  in the config file
  -rp, --repetition-penalty FLOAT
                                  The penalty factor for repeating tokens
                                  (none if not used)
  --repetition-context-size INTEGER
                                  The number of tokens to consider for
                                  repetition penalty
  -tp, --top-p FLOAT              Sampling top-p
  --min-p FLOAT                   Sampling min-p
  --min-p-tokens INTEGER          Sampling min-p
  --build-prompt TEXT             Which word loom sections to use in building
                                  the claim (space-separated list of sections)
  --trust-remote-code / --no-trust-remote-code
  --eos-token TEXT                End of sequence token for tokenizer
  --seed INTEGER                  PRNG seed
  --colorize / --no-colorize      Colorize output based on token probability
  --cot-source TEXT               The name of the file with an apply chat
                                  template structure to use as the basis for a
                                  few-shot prompt construction
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

It allows you to generate from a model referenced in the config (in conjunction with any LoRA adapters specified). The -p/--prompt option can be used to provide a prompt, and the -t/--temperature, -rp/--repetition-penalty, --repetition-context-size, -tp/--top-p, and --min-p can be used to configure the various parameters of the prompt evaluation. There is also an additional, boolean --colorize/--no-colorize parameter (defaults to false), which if true, will render the model's completion using a coloring scheme that captures the probability of each token.

Declarative Prompts Construction

OgbujiPts Word Loom can also be used for templated construction of prompts.

There are 3 command-line options for this:

--loom-file TEXT                An OgbujiPT word loom file to use for prompt
--build-prompt TEXT             Which word loom sections to use in building
                                 the claim (space-separated list of sections)                                  
--loom-markers TEXT             Loom marker values

The --loom-file option is the location of a word loom file to use for prompt construction, a TOML file.

The loom file provides a system prompt, context, as well as the user prompt. The system prompt and context are optional, but the user prompt is not.

The --build-prompt option is a expected to be single or list of table header names. If only one is provided, it is assumed to the name of the table with a text key whose value will be used for the user prompt. If two values are provided, they should be quoted and separated by spaces. The first refers to a table that provides the system prompt and the second refers to the user prompt. Finally, if three values are provided they are assumed to be system prompt, context, and user prompt.

If they are not specified via --build-prompt, the system prompt is assumed to be specified in a table named system_prompt, the context is from a table named context, and the user prompt is from a table named question.

If any of the table header name of the context is of the form [filename.txt] the contents of the specified filename are used for the instead.

If any of the text values in the corresponding tables have curly braces, the --loom-markers option can be used to provide values for the names specified in between the braces. It is expected to be a string in the format: name=[.. value ..].

So, the following command-line:

$ python -m --loom-file=loom.toml \
         --build-prompt "system_prompt_final context templated_question_final" -f chatml \
         --loom-markers "medical_problems=[Lymphoid aggregate]" /path/to/loom.toml

where the contents of loom.toml are:

lang = "en"
text = """You are a medical professional.  If you cannot provide an answer based on the given context, please let me know."""

text = """Lymphoid aggregates are a collection of B cells, T cells, and supporting cells, present within the stroma of various organs"""

text = """The patient has {medical_problems}.  Summarize the patient's problems"""

will result in the following ChatML prompt being sent to the model:

You are a medical professional.  If you cannot provide an answer based on the given context, please let me know.

Lymphoid aggregates are a collection of B cells, T cells, and supporting cells, present within the stroma of various organs

The patient has Lymphoid aggregate.  Summarize the patient's problems

Running Weights and Biases (Wandb) Hyperparameter Sweeps

mlx_tuning_fork also allows you to run Wandb hyperparameter sweeps/searches using the mlx_tuning_form.wandb_sweep module. You can get the command-line options for this via:

$ python -m mlx_tuning_fork.wandb_sweep --help
Usage: python -m mlx_tuning_fork.wandb_sweep [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE

  --verbose / --no-verbose
  --wandb-project TEXT            Wandb project name
  --train-type [completion-only|self-supervised]
  -f, --prompt-format [mistral|chatml]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

It takes a single argument which is a Wandb sweep configuration (YAML) file . The --wandb-project options refers to a Wandb project where the sweep output is be stored.


Very basic framework for composable parameterized large language model (Q)LoRA / (Q)Dora fine-tuning using mlx, mlx_lm, and OgbujiPT.








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