Weighted Round-Robin written in Go (平滑权重轮询算法)
go get github.com/chi-chu/round
import github/chi-chu/round
func main(){
r := round.NewRound()
r.WithHeartBeatTime(10*time.Second) //set the server heatbeat check time
r.WithKeepAlive(true) //set need to check
//set the function use ip and port to check heartbeat
r.WithCheckAlive(func(IP string,Port int)bool{
//this function use to simulate The Server was Down
return Port%7 != 0
r.AddServer(&round.Server{"1", 5, 0,"111:111:111",7, true})
r.AddServer(&round.Server{"2", 1, 0,"222:222:222",2,true})
r.AddServer(&round.Server{"3", 1, 0,"333:333:333",3,true})
r.AddServer(&round.Server{"4", 10, 0,"444:444:444",123,true})
r.AddServer(&round.Server{"5", 10, 0,"555:555:555",123,true})
for i:=0;i<20;i++{
s,err := r.GetServer()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("choose : %s\n",s.Name)
It will returns (server 1 lostNode 10s later)
choose : 1
choose : 4
choose : 5
choose : 1
choose : 2
choose : 3
choose : 1
choose : 4
choose : 5
choose : 5
choose : 2
choose : 5
choose : 3
choose : 5
choose : 5
choose : 2
choose : 5
choose : 3
choose : 5
choose : 5