is a natural-language snippet manager for vim
, built atop
cheat and fzf.
While the goal of most snippet managers is to minimize keystrokes, vim-cheat
aims to reduce the cognitive load associated with common programming tasks. It
does so by providing a task-focused repository of snippets that can be
queried with natural language.
is context-aware, and can be configured to return only snippets
that are relevant to the filetype
of the current buffer. This makes
"polyglot" work less mentally taxing by reducing the cost of context-switching
among languages.
Use vim-cheat
in conjunction with snippets.
works by leveraging cheat
's tagging mechanism: vim-cheat
to filter and retrieve cheatsheets by tag.
As a concrete example, imagine that we're writing a Go application that must connect to MySQL. Which method does this?
Is it mysql_connect
? Err, no - that's PHP. I think it's mysql.createConnection
Wait, no - that's Node. Is it mysql.connector.connect
? Ah, no - that's
frees us from having to remember these details. Run :Cheat
type connect database
into the prompt, and the appropriate Go snippet will
be pasted into your buffer. (Snippets can be pasted from insert mode as well.)
can be installed as described in :help packages
, or by using a
package manager like Pathogen, Vundle, or Plug.
additionally requires that the following dependencies be
You are encouraged cultivate a snippet collection that best serves your personal needs. With that said, the following repository serves as a starting point:
Read a snippet into the current buffer. The fzf
selection menu will contain
only cheatsheets that are tagged with the buffer's filetype
Read a snippet into the current buffer. The fzf
selection menu will contain
all cheatsheets available on all cheatpaths.
Read a snippet into the current buffer. If the buffer's filetype
is known,
the fzf
selection menu will contain only cheatsheets that are tagged with
the buffer's filetype
. Otherwise, the selection menu will contain all
cheatsheets available on all cheatpaths.
Open an existing cheatsheet for editing. The fzf
selection menu will contain
only cheatsheets that are tagged with the buffer's filetype
. (Note that it
is not currently possible to create a new cheatsheet using this function.)
Open a cheatsheet for editing. The fzf
selection menu will contain all
cheatsheets available on all cheatpaths. (Note that it is not currently
possible to create a new cheatsheet using this function.)
Open an existing cheatsheet for editing. If the buffer's filetype
is known,
the fzf
selection menu will contain only cheatsheets that are tagged with
the buffer's filetype
. Otherwise, the selection menu will contain all
cheatsheets available on all cheatpaths. (Note that it is not currently
possible to create a new cheatsheet using this function.)
Display the configured cheatsheet directories. (This function simply wraps the
cheat -d
Display the cheatsheet tags that are in use. (This function simply wraps the
cheat -T
Display the current cheat
version. (This function simply wraps the cheat -v
The path to the cheat
executable. Defaults to cheat
Options that will be passed to fzf
. Defaults to the following:
g:cheat_fzf_options = [
\ '--header-lines',
\ '1',
\ '--tiebreak',
\ 'begin',
\ '--preview-window',
\ 'right:40%',
\ '--preview',
\ g:cheat_fzf_preview,
The command fzf
will use for generating a cheatsheet preview. Defaults to the
cheat --colorize `echo {} | cut -f1 -d" "`
You should map the functions exposed by this plugin to convenient wrappers in
your vimrc
. The following is an example configuration:
" ex-mode commands:
command Cheat call cheat#read_smart()
command CheatDirs call cheat#dirs()
command CheatEdit call cheat#edit_smart()
command CheatVersion call cheat#version()
" insert-mode: press Ctrl+s to open snippet selection menu:
inoremap <c-s> <c-o>:call cheat#read_smart()<CR>
Because vim-cheat
wraps the cheat
executable, you must configure your
as well. Example:
- name: snippet-community
path: ~/path/to/community/snippets
tags: [ snippet ]
readonly: true
- name: snippet-personal
path: ~/path/to/personal/snippets
tags: [ snippet, personal ]
readonly: false
See the cheat
project documentation for more information on configuring
pairs nicely with vim-so.