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*Open source plugin for WeeWX software.


A WeeWX extension for NWS forecasts.

Copyright (C)2020-2024 by John A Kline (

This plugin requires Python 3.7, WeeWX 4 or 5

If you are updating from versions less than 4.5.4, you MUST delete the nws database (nws.sdb) before restarting weewx. This is because the database schema has changed.

Installation Instructions

WeeWX 5 Installation Instructions

  1. If pip install: Activate the virtual environment (actual syntax varies by type of WeeWX install): /home/weewx/weewx-venv/bin/activate Install the dateutil package. pip install python-dateutil Install the requests package. pip install requests

  2. If package install: Install dateutil for python3 (it is required by the nws extension). On debian, this can be accomplished with:

    sudo apt install python3-dateutil

    Install python3's requests package. On debian, this can be accomplished with:

    apt install python3-requests
  3. Download the release from the github.

  4. Install the nws extension.

    weectl extension install

WeeWX 4 Installation Instructions

  1. Install dateutil for python3 (it is required by the nws extension). On debian, this can be accomplished with:

    sudo apt install python3-dateutil
  2. Install python3's requests package. On debian, this can be accomplished with:

    apt install python3-requests
  3. Download the release from the github.

  4. Run the following command.

    sudo /home/weewx/bin/wee_extension --install

    Note: The above command assumes a WeeWX installation of /home/weewx. Adjust the command as necessary.

Configuring weewx-nws

  1. weewx-nws is designed to work with no configuration, but it is best to update the user agent being used to contact NWS. This is per NWS rules about using the API. To do that, edit weewx.conf and fill in User-Agent with your weather site and contact information.

        User-Agent = "(,"
  2. Best pratice is to let weewx-nws pick up your station's latitude an longtitude from the Station section in weewx.conf. If one has a need to override the lat/long, it can be set in the NWS section as follows:

        latitude = 37.431995  # Best practice is not to set latitude here.
        longitude = -122.333  # Best practice is not to set longitude here.
  3. As of 15 March 2023, this NWS bug is fixed (at least for the author's location). If you have hardcoded your URLs and are now getting the error listed below, it is because NWS has fixed the problem for you area. Simply remove the hardcoded URLs in the NWS section of weewx.conf.

    If NWS is returning the wrong grid for your lat/long (as is the case for the author), the twelve hour and one hour forecast URLs can be hardcoded with the correct grid with the one_hour_forecast_url and twelve_hour_forecast_url. For example, using Lat/Long 37.431495/-122.110937, you'll see a message in the log: "WARNING user.nws: Lat/Long 37.431495/-122.110937 does not fall within bounds of forecast's polygon (due to NWS Bug)." Your grid is off by (1,1). In this example, you'll see in the log that the grid being called is 92,88.

    INFO user.nws: Downloading ForecastType.TWELVE_HOUR forecasts from,87/forecast.
    INFO user.nws: Downloading ForecastType.ONE_HOUR forecasts from,88/forecast/hourly.

    It should be 91,87. As such, add the following lines to the NWS section of weewx.conf:

        twelve_hour_forecast_url = ",87/forecast"
        one_hour_forecast_url = ",87/forecast/hourly"

    There is now a utility included with the plugin that one can run to figure out if NWS returns the correct grid; and, if not, it prints the lines to add to the NWS section in order to get the correct grid. Following is a sample run of that utility. Of course, you'll need to use the latitude and longitude of your station, as specified in the weewx.conf file. Also, please note, you'll need to install matplotlib to run this utility. Matplotlib is NOT needed to run the extension. On Debian systems, matlotlib can be installed with: Note: As of 15 March 2023, the following example reports no issue as NWS has rolled out a fix (at least for this location).

    sudo apt install python3-matplotlib

    A sample sesion of the check_grid utility follows:

    $ ./ --latitude 37.431495 --longitude -122.110937
    nws computed the incorrect grid(92, 88) for lat/long 37.431495/-122.110937
    Add the following two lines to the [NWS] section in weewx.conf:
        twelve_hour_forecast_url = ",87/forecast"
        one_hour_forecast_url = ",87/forecast/hourly"
  4. By default, nws will keep 9 days of forecasts. One can change this in weewx.conf. Set days_to_keep to zero to keep all forecasts. Although this is configurable, keeping a large number of days will slow things down. Note: Alerts are deleted when they expire. As such, days_to_keep has no affect on alerts.

     days_to_keep = 9  # Set to zero to never delete any forecasts and alerts.
  5. Add NWSForecastVariables to each report that you want to have access to forecasts and alerts.

    For example, to enable in the SeasonsReport, edit weewx.conf to add user.nws.NWSForecastVariables in search_list_extensions. Note: you might need to add both the CheetahGenerator line and the search_list_extensions line (if they do no already exist).

                 search_list_extensions = user.nws.NWSForecastVariables
  6. If you are moving from a version prior to 2.0, YOU MUST DELETE the nws database.

    sudo rm /var/lib/weewx/nws.sdb


    sudo rm /home/weewx/archive/nws.sdb

    Note: The first example above is the most likely location of nws.sdb. The second example is if you installed weewx via the method. Of course, the nws.sdb database could be elsewhere.

  7. Restart WeeWX.

  8. After the next reporting cycle, navigate to /nws to see forecasts in the sample report.

  9. To get twelve-hour forecasts (in this example, all forecasts are returned (usually 13, 6.5 days)

     #for $twelve_hour in $nwsforecast.twelve_hour_forecasts()  # twelve_hour_forecasts(4) will return 4 forecasts.
         $twelve_hour.outTempTrend (bay be none)
         $twelve_hour.windSpeed2 (may be None)
         $twelve_hour.latitude    # Latitude of point for which forecasts were requested
         $twelve_hour.longitude   # Longitude of point for which forecasts were requested
     #end for

    Sample values for the above variables follow:

    $twelve_hour.gneratedTime    : 2020-06-08 15:25:13 PDT (1591655113)
    $twelve_hour.number          : 14
    $            : Sunday Night
    $twelve_hour.startTime       : 2020-06-14 18:00:00 PDT (1592182800)
    $twelve_hour.endTime         : 2020-06-15 06:00:00 PDT (1592226000)
    $twelve_hour.isDaytime       : 0
    $twelve_hour.outTemp         : 58.000000
    $twelve_hour.outTempTrend    : None
    $twelve_hour.windSpeed       : 2.000000
    $twelve_hour.windSpeed2      : 9.000000
    $twelve_hour.windDir         : 292.500000
    $twelve_hour.iconUrl         :
    $twelve_hour.shortForecast   : Mostly Clear
    $twelve_hour.detailedForecast: Mostly clear, with a low around 58.
    $twelve_hour.latitude        : 37.431495
    $twelve_hour.longitude       : -122.110937

    Twelve-hour forecasts can be seen in action on the 7 Day tab at The code for this page (at the time of this writing) is:

       #for $twelve_hour in $nwsforecast.twelve_hour_forecasts()
           <table style='width:100%;border-bottom:1pt solid LightGray;padding:15px;'>
             #set icon = $twelve_hour.iconUrl
             #if $target_display == 'smartphone':
               ## Change ?size=medium to ?size=large
               #set icon = $icon.replace('?size=medium', '?size=large')
             #end if
             <td style='width:16%;'><img src='$icon'/></td>
             <td style='width:30%;'>
               <table style='width:100%;text-align:center;'>
                 <tr style='width:100%;'><td>Temp</td></tr>
                 <tr style='width:100%;'><td>$twelve_hour.outTemp $twelve_hour.outTempTrend </td></tr>
                 <tr style='width:100%;'><td>Wind</td></tr>
                 #if $twelve_hour.windSpeed2 is None
                   <tr style='width:100%;'><td>$twelve_hour.windSpeed.format('%.0f')$unit.label.windSpeed $twelve_hour.windDir.ordinal_compass</td></tr>
                   <tr style='width:100%;'><td>$twelve_hour.windSpeed.format('%.0f') to $twelve_hour.windSpeed2.format('%.0f')$unit.label.windSpeed $twelve_hour.windDir.ordinal_compass</td></tr>
                 #end if
             <td style='width:54%;'>
               <table style='width:100%;text-align:center;'>
                 <tr style='width:100%;'><td style='text-align:center;font-size:$title_font_size;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:1pt solid LightGray;'>$</td></tr>
                 <tr style='width:100%;'><td>$twelve_hour.detailedForecast</td></tr>
       #end for

    A screenshot follows:

    NWS Twelve-Hour Forecasts screenshot

  10. To get one-hour forecasts (in this example, up to 156 foreecasts are returned (6.5 days worth).

    #for $hour in $nwsforecast.one_hour_forecasts() # Note: one_hour_forecasts(24) will return 24 forecassts (1 day).
         $             ## Empty for one_hour_forecasts
         $hour.outTempTrend (may be None)
         $hour.windSpeed2 (currently always None)
         $hour.detailedForecast ## Empty for one_hour_forecasts
         $hour.latitude    # Latitude of point for which forecasts were requested
         $hour.longitude   # Longitude of point for which forecasts were requested
    #end for

    Sample values for the above variables follow:

    $hour.dateTime        : 2020-06-09 04:30:00 PDT (1591702200)
    $hour.interval        : 60
    $hour.latitude        : 37.431495
    $hour.longitude       : -122.110937
    $hour.usUnits         : 1
    $hour.gneratedTime    : 2020-06-09 04:01:35 PDT (1591700495)
    $hour.number          : 156
    $            :
    $hour.startTime       : 2020-06-15 15:00:00 PDT (1592258400)
    $hour.endTime         : 2020-06-15 16:00:00 PDT (1592262000)
    $hour.isDaytime       : 1
    $hour.outTemp         : 81.000000
    $hour.outTempTrend    : None
    $hour.pop             : 0
    $hour.dewpoint        : 51.0
    $hour.outHumidity     : 79
    $hour.windSpeed       : 10.000000
    $hour.windSpeed2      : None
    $hour.windDir         : 292.500000
    $hour.iconUrl         :
    $hour.shortForecast   : Sunny
    $hour.latitude        : 37.431495
    $hour.longitude       : -122.110937

    One-hour forecasts can be seen in action on the Hourly tab at The code for this page (at the time of this writing) is:

       #for $hour in $nwsforecast.one_hour_forecasts(72)
       <tr class='forecast_hours'>
         #set icon = $hour.iconUrl
         #if $target_display == 'smartphone':
           ## Change ?size=small to ?size=medium
           #set icon = $icon.replace('?size=small', '?size=medium')
         #end if
         <td><img src='$icon'/></td>
         <td>$hour.startTime.format('%a %l %p')</td>
         <td>$hour.windSpeed $hour.windDir.ordinal_compass</td>
       #end for

    A screenshot follows:

    NWS One-Hour Forecasts screenshot

  11. To get all alerts for the station's location:

    #for $alert in $nwsforecast.alerts()
         $           # Identifier (ID) of alert
         $alert.effective    # Time issued
         $alert.expires      # Time this alert expires
         $alert.onset        # Time it will begin
         $alert.ends         # Time it will end
         $alert.event        # Name of event (e.g., Heat Advisory)
         $alert.headline     # Headline
         $alert.nwsHeadline  # NWSheadline
         $alert.description  # Long description
         $alert.instructions # Instructions on what to do
         $alert.latitude     # Latitude of point for which alerts were requested
         $alert.longitude    # Longitude of point for which alerts were requested
         $alert.sent         # Time alert was sent.
         $alert.status       # Status of alert (e.g., Actual)
         $alert.messageType  # Message type (e.g., Update)
         $alert.category     # Category (e.g., Met)
         $alert.severity     # Severity (e.g, Moderate)
         $alert.certainty    # Certainty (e.g, Likely)
         $alert.urgency      # Urgency (e.g, Expected)
         $alert.sender       # Sender (e.g,
         $alert.senderName   # Name of Sender (e.g, NWS San Francisco CA)
    #end for

    Sample values for the above variables follow:

    id          : urn:oid:
    effective   : 04-Sep-2022 04:11
    expires     : 04-Sep-2022 15:00
    onset       : 04-Sep-2022 11:00
    ends        : 06-Sep-2022 20:00
    event       : Heat Advisory
    headline    : Heat Advisory issued September 4 at 4:11AM PDT until September 6 at 8:00PM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA
    description : * WHAT...Temperatures up to 98 expected.<br/>* WHERE...Marin Coastal Range...
    instructions: Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun...
    latitude    : 37.431495
    longitude   : -122.110937
    sent        : 04-Sep-2022 04:11
    status      : Actual
    messageType : Update
    category    : Met
    severity    : Moderate
    certainty   : Likely
    urgency     : Expected
    sender      :
    senderName  : NWS San Francisco CA

    Alerts can be seen in action on the Alerts tab at The code for this page (at the time of this writing) is:

    <table style='border-style:solid;padding:30px;border:1pt solid #aaaaaa;'>
      #if $target_display == 'desktop'
        #set $title_font_size = 'large'
        #set $title_font_size = '46px'
      #end if
      #set $alert_count = 0
      #for $alert in $nwsforecast.alerts()
      #set $alert_count += 1
      <tr style='width:100%;'><td style='text-align:center;font-size:$title_font_size;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:2pt solid Black;'>$alert.nwsHeadline</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'><br/>Status: $alert.status</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Severity: $alert.severity</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Certainty: $alert.certainty</td></tr>
        #set $desc = $alert.description.replace('\n\n', '<br/>')
        #set $desc = $desc.replace('\n', ' ')
        ## Calling replace has failed because of malformed alerts.
        ## alert.description is probably None
        #set $desc = $alert.description
      #end try
        <td style='text-align:left;'>
        <td style='text-align:left;'>
          Instructions: $alert.instructions
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'><br/>ID: $</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Event: $alert.event</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Issued: $alert.effective</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Expires: $alert.expires</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Onset: $alert.onset</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Ends: $alert.ends</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Sent: $alert.sent</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Message Type: $alert.messageType</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Category: $alert.category</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Urgency: $alert.urgency</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Sender: $alert.sender</td></tr>
      <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Sender Name: $alert.senderName<br/><br/></td></tr>
      #end for
      #if $alert_count == 0
        <tr><td style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic'>No active National Weather Service alerts for this location.</td></tr>
      #end if

    A screenshot follows:

    NWS Alerts screenshot

  12. alert_count() is a convenience function to get the number of active alerts that apply to your station. The code to show an active alert count follows:

       #set alert_count = $nwsforecast.alert_count()
       #if $alert_count > 0
         #if $alert_count == 1
           #set alert_word = 'Alert'
           #set alert_word = 'Alerts'
         #end if
         <p><a href='forecast.html?tab=alerts' style='font-size:19px;color:black;text-decoration:underline;'>$alert_count Active $alert_word</a></p>
       #end if


  1. Did you forget to add NWSForecastVariables to your report in weewx.conf? See step 1 in the How to access NWS Forecasts in reports. section.

  2. The extension can be run from the command line to test:

    1. To test requesting forecasts from NWS:

      PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python3 /home/weewx/bin/user/ --test-requester --type TWELVE_HOUR --latitude 38.8977 --longitude -77.0365
    2. To test the service as a whole, requesting and saving to a [temporary] sqlite database:

      PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python3 /home/weewx/bin/user/ --test-service --latitude 38.8977 --longitude -77.0365
    3. To view the latest forecast records in the databse (only works for sqlite databases):

      PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python3 /home/weewx/bin/user/ --view-forecasts --type ONE_HOUR --nws-database /home/weewx/archive/nws.sdb --view-criterion LATEST --latitude 38.8977 --longitude -77.0365
    4. To view all forecast records in the databse (only works for sqlite databases):

      PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python3 /home/weewx/bin/user/ --view-forecasts --type TWELVE_HOUR --nws-database /home/weewx/archive/nws.sdb --view-criterion ALL --latitude 38.8977 --longitude -77.0365
    5. To view a summary of forecasts in the database (time inserted, time generated, start/end of forecast) (only works for sqlite databases):

      PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python3 /home/weewx/bin/user/ --view-forecasts --type ONE_HOUR --nws-database /home/weewx/archive/nws.sdb --view-criterion SUMMARY --latitude 38.8977 --longitude -77.0365
      PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python3 /home/weewx/bin/user/ --view-forecasts --type TWELVE_HOUR --nws-database /home/weewx/archive/nws.sdb --view-criterion SUMMARY --latitude 38.8977 --longitude -77.0365
    6. To see all options:

      PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python3 /home/weewx/bin/user/ --help


weewx-nws is licensed under the GNU Public License v3.