Juju charms to manage shared filesystems.
The filesystem-charms
repository is a collection of charmed operators that enables you to provide,
request, and mount shared filesystems. We currently have:
: requests and mounts exported filesystems on virtual machines.nfs-server-proxy-operator
: exports NFS shares from NFS servers not managed by Juju.cephfs-server-proxy-operator
: exports Ceph filesystems from Ceph clusters not managed by Juju.
First, launch a virtual machine using LXD:
$ snap install lxd
$ lxd init --auto
$ lxc launch ubuntu:24.04 nfs-server --vm
$ lxc shell nfs-server
Inside the LXD virtual machine, set up an NFS kernel server that exports a /data directory:
apt update && apt upgrade
apt install nfs-kernel-server
mkdir -p /data
cat << 'EOF' > /etc/exports
/srv *(ro,sync,subtree_check)
/data *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
exportfs -a
systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server
You can verify if the NFS server is exporting the desired directories by using the command
showmount -e localhost
while inside the LXD virtual machine.
Grab the network address of the LXD virtual machine and then exit the current shell session:
hostname -I
Now deploy the NFS server proxy operator with the filesystem client operator and the principal charm:
$ juju deploy nfs-server-proxy --channel latest/edge \
--config hostname=<IPv4 address of LXD virtual machine> \
--config path=/data
$ juju deploy filesystem-client data --config mountpoint=/data
$ juju deploy ubuntu --base ubuntu@24.04
$ juju integrate data:juju-info ubuntu:juju-info
$ juju integrate data:filesystem nfs-server-proxy:filesystem
First, launch a virtual machine using LXD:
$ snap install lxd
$ lxd init --auto
$ lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 cephfs-server --vm
$ lxc shell cephfs-server
Inside the LXD virtual machine, set up Microceph to export a Ceph filesystem.
ln -s /bin/true /usr/local/bin/udevadm
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install ceph-common jq
snap install microceph
microceph cluster bootstrap
microceph disk add loop,2G,3
microceph.ceph osd pool create cephfs_data
microceph.ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata
microceph.ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data
microceph.ceph fs authorize cephfs client.fs-client / rw # Creates a new `fs-client` user.
You can verify if the CephFS server is working correctly by using the command
microceph.ceph fs status cephfs
while inside the LXD virtual machine.
To mount a Ceph filesystem, you'll require some information that you can get with a couple of commands:
export HOST=$(hostname -I | tr -d '[:space:]'):6789
export FSID=$(microceph.ceph -s -f json | jq -r '.fsid')
export CLIENT_KEY=$(microceph.ceph auth print-key client.fs-client)
Print the required information for reference and then exit the current shell session:
echo $HOST
echo $FSID
Now deploy the CephFS server proxy operator with the filesystem client operator and the principal charm:
juju add-model ceph
juju deploy cephfs-server-proxy --channel latest/edge \
--config fsid=<FSID> \
--config sharepoint=cephfs:/ \
--config monitor-hosts=<HOST> \
--config auth-info=fs-client:<CLIENT_KEY>
juju deploy ubuntu --base ubuntu@24.04 --constraints virt-type=virtual-machine
juju deploy filesysten-client data --channel latest/edge --config mountpoint=/data
juju integrate data:juju-info ubuntu:juju-info
juju integrate data:filesystem cephfs-server-proxy:filesystem
The filesystem charms are a project of the Ubuntu High-Performance Computing community. It is an open source project that is welcome to community involvement, contributions, suggestions, fixes, and constructive feedback. Interested in being involved with the development of the filesystem charms? Check out these links below:
The filesystem charms are free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.