Nitro-testnode brings up a full environment for local nitro testing including a dev-mode geth L1, and multiple instances with different roles.
- bash shell
- docker and docker-compose
All must be installed in PATH.
Check out the release branch of the repository.
Notice: release branch may be force-pushed at any time.
git clone -b release --recurse-submodules
cd nitro-testnode
Initialize the node
./test-node.bash --init
To see more options, use --help
Check out the nitro repository. Use the test-node submodule of nitro repository.
Notice: testnode may not always be up-to-date with config options of current nitro node, and is not considered stable when operated in that way.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd nitro/nitro-testnode
Initialize the node in dev-mode (this will build the docker images from source)
./test-node.bash --init --dev
To see more options, use --help
sequencer is the main docker to be used to access the nitro testchain. It's http and websocket interfaces are exposed at localhost ports 8547 and 8548 ports, respectively.
Stopping, restarting nodes can be done with docker-compose.
Some helper scripts are provided for simple testing of basic actions. For help, see:
./test-node.bash script --help
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