The website of the school ( will provide the support of the lessons.
The support of the exercise will also be available there and a copy is available in the repo.
It is the second exercise of the 2 presented with the idea to go from certification to fuzzing test techniques.
The other part of the exercices is in a separate repo :
The exercise is based on a communication between 2 vehicles making a platoon and based on the Robot Operating System v1 Noetic : .
flowchart RL;
subgraph containers;
id7(ros network) --- id8[Leader];
id7 --- id9[ros-master];
id7 --- id10[Follower];
The idea is to make different fuzzing tests on the communication between the 2 vehicles.
To set-up the environment, you can directly use the Dockerfile/Docker-compose file or directly use the Virtual Machine (ova file) provided here. This machine can be imported in virtualbox or VMware.
For the docker version, simply build all the docker file then launch the docker-compose or use the file.
the result will be a setup as described below with the sender representing the Leader car, the receiver representing the Follower car and a third container which can be accessed through SSH and contain all the tools necessary.
flowchart RL;
subgraph containers;
id7(ros network) --- id8[sender];
id7 --- id9[ros-master];
id7 --- id10[receiver];
id7 --- id11[fuzzer];
id12((User)) -- ssh --> id11;