sbt: libraryDependencies += "be.cetic.inah.commons" % "commons" % "VERSION" from ""
import be.cetic.inah.commons.database.janusgraph.Janusgraph
The connecor object implements the following methods:
def setGraphFromConf(conf: String)
def setGraphCassandraEs(cassandraUrl: String, esUrl: String, batchLoad: Boolean = false, bufferSize: Option[Int] = None): Unit = {
def setGraphInMemory()
The parameters are
cassandraUrl: Url for cassandra
esUrl: Url for elastic search
batchLoad: connect in batch load mode
bufferSize: Storage buffer size
conf: path of the config file
The graph is accessible by
which is a singleton.
Additionally the package
includes a helper class for schema handling and an implementation of the Inah Schema.
class SchemaMaker(janusgraph: StandardJanusGraph)
class InahSchema(graph: StandardJanusGraph, waitForStatus: Boolean = false, mixed: Boolean = true, reindexation: Boolean = false, enabling: Boolean = true)
import be.cetic.inah.commons.database.couchdb.CouchConnector
exposes the following methods:
def connect(config: String): CouchDbClient
def connect(dbName: String, host: String, port: Int, username: String, password: String, protocol: String = "http", createDbIfNotExist: Boolean = true): CouchDbClient
- config points to a valid configuration file
The package provides an actor for CRUD operations
CouchActordb(val client: CouchDbClient)
accepting the messages defined in
as well as a document actor:
object CouchDocumentActor {
case object ReadAllDocuments
case class ReadDocument(key: String)
case class CreateDocument[T](document: T)
case class UpdateDocument[T](document: T)
case class DeleteDocument(key: String)
def props[T](couchConfPath: String, couchTable: String)(implicit getKey: T => String, getJson: T => JsValue): Props = Props(new CouchDocumentActor(couchConfPath, couchTable, getKey, getJson))
class CouchDocumentActor[T](couchConfPath: String, couchTable: String, getKey: T => String, getJson: T => JsValue)
Sql is handled with slick, offering a full jdbc support. The library must provide the relevant driver.
The commons library implements a trait:
import be.cetic.inah.commons.database.sql.DaoFactory
trait DaoFactory {
val driver: JdbcProfile
val dbProfile: String = ""
val schemaName: Option[String] = None
implicit val dispatcher: ExecutionContextExecutor
import driver.api._
val db = Database.forConfig(dbProfile)
def createSchema(schema: String) = sqlu"""CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS "#$schema";"""
def schemas: driver.DDL
def createTables = schemas.create
def dropTables = schemas.drop
val setupActions = Seq(, Some(createTables)).filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get)
def setup = DBIO.seq(setupActions: _*)
We package the cors support,
import be.cetic.inah.commons.http.cors.CorsSupport
and a bunch of useful directives in
import be.cetic.inah.commons.http.Directives