Flood hazard grid downscaling project for HESS publication. For deployment version, see FloodDownscaler2
toy example grids
remaining figures are here:
rimpy: Tools for building, calibrating, and visualizing RIM2D models
2207_dscale2: OLD project for generating analog inundation grids with LISFLOOD.
FloodPolisher: mid-2022 inundation downscaling work using simple growth. pyqgis. Should incorporate a version of this into this project.
FloodRescaler: public repo with simple QGIS tools included in Agg publication. Eventually incorporate downscaling scripts into here?
2112_agg_pub: public repo of analysis for aggregation paper.
PYTHONPATH: PROJECT_DIR_NAME PROJECT_DIR_NAME\coms PROJECT_DIR_NAME\fperf PROJECT_DIR_NAME\whitebox-tools PROJECT_DIR_NAME\whitebox-tools\target\release (need to build first)
cef's tools
git submodule add -b FloodDownscaler https://github.com/cefect/coms.git
flood grid performance tools
git submodule add -b FloodDownscaler https://github.com/cefect/fperf
whitebox tools (cefect's fork)
git submodule https://github.com/cefect/whitebox-tools.git
git switch c8d03fc3154a34d2d2904491ee36a7ab8239289c --detached
need to build this using rust (see below)
build a python environment per ./environment.yml see ./env/conda_create.bat build whitebox-tools using rust cargo build --release takes a while add submodules to pythonpath (see above)
create and customize a definitions.py file (see below example)
import os
src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
src_name = os.path.basename(src_dir)
#location of logging configuration file
logcfg_file=os.path.join(src_dir, r'coms\logger.conf')
#default working directory
wrk_dir = r'L:\10_IO\fdsc'
#whitebox exe location
wbt_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, r'whitebox-tools\target\release')
#specify the latex install directory
os.environ['PATH'] += R";C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64"
#spatial (mostly for testing)
epsg = 3857
bounds = (0, 0, 100, 100)