Releases: cdgriffith/FastFlix
Version 5.9.0
- Adding QP mode for FFmpeg Nvenc encoding
- Adding more preview positions
- Adding ultra high quality mode for ffmpeg nvenc encoder
- Adding Ubuntu 24.04 builds
- Adding #633 download for stable version of ffmpeg by default on Windows (thanks to Maddie Davis)
- Fixing #611 Extension type not being selected properly from profiles if encoders isn't switched (thanks to Hankuu)
- Fixing #628 Custom QP/CRF saved in profile may not be restored correctly (thanks to Gregorio O. DeMojeca)
- Fixing #631 VVC Level can't be set to 0 anymore (thanks to GT500org)
- Removing Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and Mac 12 builds
macOS 14 ARM64 or greater required
Will try to get x86_64 version working again next version.
With the appbundle, you may need to allow it to run by opening a command line and running:
xattr -rd
Then try opening again normally, it may take a minute to load without any splash screen.
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.9.0_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Ubuntu 24.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and run it via terminal ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install setuptools
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.8.2
- Fixing #610 Do not try to divide by zero if HDR metadata has bad values (thanks to Noelle Leigh)
- Fixing #616 replace correct cmd line option for IDC level (thanks to pkleinejaeger)
- Fixing too long of log file names could crash (thanks to ProFile)
- Removing code signing as cert has expired
macOS 12 or greater required
With the appbundle, you may need to allow it to run by opening a command line and running:
xattr -rd
Then try opening again normally, it may take a minute to load without any splash screen.
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.8.2_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and run it via terminal ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install setuptools
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.8.1
- Fixing #598 'dict' object has no attribute 'to_yaml' (thanks to dmo marillat)
- Fixing #599 Italian language translations (thanks to bovirus)
- Fixing #601 Update NSIS installer script to include Italian (thanks to bovirus)
- Fixing #603 Themes stylesheet aren't included in python package (thanks to dmo marillat)
- Fixing #605 HDR2SDR double tonemapping in Rigaya NVENC and QSV Encoders (thanks to Darksyderz)
macOS 12 or greater required
With the appbundle, you may need to allow it to run by opening a command line and running:
xattr -rd
Then try opening again normally, it may take a minute to load without any splash screen.
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.8.1_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and run it via terminal ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.8.0
- Adding #283 support for experimental DTS (dca) audio by adding -strict -2 (thanks to Sub7)
- Adding #354 Mac M1 ARM support (thanks to Nhunz and Anton)
- Adding #536 Improve Profiles - save advanced options (thanks to CelticTaonga and DCNerds)
- Adding #568 center app on startup (thanks to Viet-Duc Le)
- Adding #589 support for pydantic 2.x (thanks to dmo marillat)
- Adding #592 Add alpha channel for VP9 (thjanks to subof)
- Fixing #185 audio channels not being set properly and resetting on encoder change (thanks to Tupsi)
- Fixing #522 add file fails - fixed as of 5.7.0 (thanks to pcl5x2008)
- Fixing #531 list limitation in readme that FFmpeg must support the software encoders listed (thanks to brunoais)
- Fixing #567 Profiles for WebP did not work (nor GIF dither) (thanks to jpert)
- Fixing #582 BT.2020-10 Color transfer not maintained (thanks to Ryushin)
- Fixing #585 error when trying to return a video from queue that has the video track after audio or subtitiles (thanks to Hankuu)
- Fixing #586 audio channels being set incorrectly (thanks to Hankuu)
- Fixing #588 audio and subtitle dispositions were not set from source (thanks to GeZorTenPlotZ)
macOS 12 or greater required
With the appbundle, you may need to allow it to run by opening a command line and running:
xattr -rd
Then try opening again normally, it may take a minute to load without any splash screen.
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.8.0_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and run it via terminal ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.8.0b0
- Adding #283 support for experimental DTS (dca) audio by adding -strict -2 (thanks to Sub7)
- Adding #354 M1 support (thanks to Nhunz and Anton)
- Adding #536 Improve Profiles - save advanced options (thanks to CelticTaonga and DCNerds)
- Adding #568 center app on startup (thanks to Viet-Duc Le)
- Adding #589 support for pydantic 2.x (thanks to dmo marillat)
- Adding #592 Add alpha channel for VP9 (thjanks to subof)
- Fixing #185 audio channels not being set properly and resetting on encoder change (thanks to Tupsi)
- Fixing #522 add file fails - fixed as of 5.7.0 (thanks to pcl5x2008)
- Fixing #531 list limitation in readme that FFmpeg must support the software encoders listed (thanks to brunoais)
- Fixing #567 Profiles for WebP did not work (nor GIF dither) (thanks to jpert)
- Fixing #582 BT.2020-10 Color transfer not maintained (thanks to Ryushin)
- Fixing #585 error when trying to return a video from queue that has the video track after audio or subtitiles (thanks to Hankuu)
- Fixing #586 audio channels being set incorrectly (thanks to Hankuu)
- Fixing #588 audio and subtitle dispositions were not set from source (thanks to GeZorTenPlotZ)
Please let me know if you see any warnings or errors around "pydantic" or "serialization" and give some context as to what action was performed to see it!
Known bugs with fixes that will be completed before full release:
- WebP bitrate will be set as Custom instead of in dropdown after return from queue
- Setting a resolution other than custom will result in a pydantic interal error
Version 5.7.4
- Fixing #578 Missing code signing to FastFlix exec inside of the installer (thanks to Sam Katakouzinos)
- Fixing #579 Missing Infos and no Mouse-Over info in Subs-Panel since 5.7 (thanks to GeZorTenPlotZ)
- Fixing #580 No Downmix key error on profile save (thanks to Hankuu)
- Fixing #581 Fastflix could not recognize hevc video containing hdr10plus metadata with recent ffmpeg build (thanks to alpha-0)
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.7.4_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Mac / Linux
Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix
) then to run it ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.7.3
- Fixing #574 Downmix audio channels not working (thanks to eikixsh)
- Fixing audio and subtitle track count in queue
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.7.3_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Mac / Linux
Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix
) then to run it ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.7.2
- Fixing audio quality targeting to be enabled properly for ffmpeg
- Fixing #570 Changing audio language does not work (thanks to danielly2020)
- Fixing Setting audio track title does not work (thanks to Horatio on Discord)
- Fixing #571 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower' (thanks to 'Dude' mikeSGman)
- Removing builds for MacOS 11 as Github has deprecated it
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.7.2_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Mac / Linux
Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix
) then to run it ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.7.1
- Fixing profile audio box not being able to select pattern match
- Fixing #561 Subtitles all show as English in FastFlix subtitles screen (thanks to David James)
- Fixing #562 Audio conversion window defaults channel layout to stereo (thanks to David James)
- Fixing #563 No Thumbnails When Importing Video (thanks to Damundai)
- Fixing #564 Audio custom bitrate box shows units in kilobits/second but passes bits/second as the parameter (thanks to tcmbackwards)
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.7.1_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Mac / Linux
Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix
) then to run it ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix
Version 5.7.0
- Adding new audio encoding panel
- Adding support for audio quality targeting instead of bitrate
- Fixing that audio and subtitles would be reset on change of encoder
- Fixing #543 systems with more than one opencl device would break thumbnails and some encodings (thanks to swadomlic)
- Fixing #505 (maybe) trying new methods to clean file paths for subtitles (thanks to Maddie Davis)
Windows 10 / 11
Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.7.0_installer.exe
The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.
Mac / Linux
Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required
Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix
) then to run it ./FastFlix
Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0
installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.
Run from source
You will need Python 3.12 and git
git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows
pip install .
venv/bin/python -m fastflix
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix