I18n-compatible backend for the Jargon localization engine.
gem install i18n-backend-jargon
require 'i18n/backend/jargon'
I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Jargon.new({host: 'http://localhost:3000/', uuid: '61267710-4286-4db9-a074-3dd5ae9993c1'})
Tries to update all used translations every 10 minutes (using ETag and :cache), can be stopped via I18n.backend.stop_polling
If a :cache is given, all backends pick one master to do the polling, all others refresh from :cache
require 'i18n/backend/jargon'
I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Jargon.new({host: 'http://localhost:3000/', uuid: '61267710-4286-4db9-a074-3dd5ae9993c1', cache: Rails.cache})
I18n.t('some.key') == "Old value"
# change in backend + wait 30 minutes
I18n.t('some.key') == "New value"
If you pass :cache => Rails.cache
, translations will be loaded from cache and updated in the cache.
The cache MUST support :unless_exist, so gem_of_thrones can do its job,
MemCacheStore + LibmemcachedStore + ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore (edge) work.
To handle http exceptions provide e.g. :exception_handler => lambda{|e| puts e }
(prints to stderr by default).
If the http backend is down, it does not translate, but also does not constantly try to query -> your app is untranslated but not down.
You should either use :default for all I18n.t or use a Chain, so when http is down e.g. english is used.
I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Chain.new(
I18n::Backend::Jargon.new({host: 'http://localhost:3000/', uuid: '61267710-4286-4db9-a074-3dd5ae9993c1'}),
Colin Ewen
License: MIT
Forked from i18n-backend-http, created by