A new markup/markdown language for quickly taking notes.
Sparkdown is a C++ library and command-line executable that provides a simple, powerful, and easy-to-use API for transpiling notes into LaTeX code, which can then be compiled into a PDF.
Is LaTeX too verbose? Does markdown lack features?
Enter sparkdown, the new note-taking language. Sparkdown is the perfect blend of simple, easy, and feature-rich.
Nested ordered and unordered lists.
Math mode: display your formulas neatly!
Verbatim mode: display code in a monospace text, with special characters and custom indentation supported.
Italic and bold text.
All LaTeX code is valid in sparkdown.
Usage: sparkdown <file> [OPTIONS]
-h, --help: Print this help message.
-v, --version: Print version information.
-o, --output: Output file.
-w, --overwrite: Overwrite output file if it exists.
$title: Title
$author: Author
$date: Date
============= % Border between optional metadata and content.
# Header.
## Sub-header.
### Sub-sub-header (etc.).
% Comment.
* List item.
Can contain newlines for readability without
creating an actual newline in the output document.
\\ Create an actual newline like so.
* Sub-list item (etc.).
- Sub-list item.
Line breaks for readability don't interrupt the flow
of the bullet list.
1. Ordered list item.
1. Sub-ordered list item (etc.).
* Unordered lists
1. and sub-ordered lists
2. can be used together.
\noindent *Italic text.* % Notice how we can use LaTeX commands.
\indent **Bold text.**
y = mx + b
\noindent -> Rightarrow.
\indent --> Rightarrow.
int verbatim_text()
return 0;