A Python - Kazoo based - shell for ZooKeeper.
This is a clone of the Java ZooKeeper CLI that ships with Apache ZooKeeper that I use for similar things. But I prefer to use a Kazoo based one since Kazoo is what the clients I deal with are using.
It supports the basic ops:
bin/shell localhost:2181
(CONNECTED) /> create foo 'bar'
(CONNECTED) /> get foo
(CONNECTED) /> cd foo
(CONNECTED) /foo> create ish 'barish'
(CONNECTED) /foo> cd ..
(CONNECTED) /> ls foo
(CONNECTED) /> create temp- 'temp' true true
zookeeper foo temp-0000000001
(CONNECTED) /> rmr foo
(CONNECTED) /> tree
├── zookeeper
│ ├── config
│ ├── quota
readline support is enabled (if readline is available).
You can also copy individual files from your local filesystem to a znode in a ZooKeeper. Recursively copying from your filesystem to ZK is supported, but not from ZK to your local filesystem (since znodes can have content and children).
(CONNECTED) /> cp /etc/passwd zk://localhost:2181/passwd
(CONNECTED) /> get passwd
unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin
haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologin
Copying from one ZK cluster to another is supported, too:
(CONNECTED) /> cp zk://localhost:2181/passwd zk://othercluster:2183/mypasswd
You can also copy from znodes to a JSON file:
(CONNECTED) /> cp zk://localhost:2181/something json://!tmp!backup.json/ true true
Sometimes you want to debug watches in ZooKeeper - i.e.: how often do watches fire under a given path? You can easily do that with the watch command.
This allows you to continously monitor all the child watches that, recursively, fire under :
(CONNECTED) /> watch start /
(CONNECTED) /> create /foo 'test'
(CONNECTED) /> create /bar/foo 'test'
(CONNECTED) /> rm /bar/foo
(CONNECTED) /> watch stats /
Watches Stats
/foo: 1
/bar: 2
/: 1
(CONNECTED) /> watch stop /
You can also search for paths or znodes which match a given text:
(CONNECTED) /> find / foo
Or if you want a case-insensitive match try ifind:
(CONNECTED) /> ifind / foo
Grepping for content in znodes can also be done via grep:
(CONNECTED) /> grep / unbound true
/passwd: unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin
/copy/passwd: unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin
Or use igrep for a case-insensitive version.
You can also use zk-shell in non-interactive mode:
$ zk-shell localhost --run-once "create /foo 'bar'"
$ zk-shell localhost --run-once "get /foo"