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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

ask anything
ask anything
This where anyone can ask literally anything about the project! For our FAQ!
audio gig
audio gig
Help create a scripted or unscripted audio track or podcast. Editing and posting. We will help.
Something isn't working! We will help you find the root cause. Implement solutions or workarounds!
Improvements or additions to our online documentation! Learn technical writing! We will help.
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request
facebook admin gig
facebook admin gig
community management. make configuration changes to facebook and verify operation using test account
gig database
gig database
Anyone can sign up for this task! Anyone can search for all the gigs by using this as a keyword!
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers. Entry level work with minimal product knowledge required.
graphic design gig
graphic design gig
Applies design standards and follows project's graphic design style to the extent possible.
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed for this task! Add this label to invite others to pitch in and help you!
html/css gig
html/css gig
this gig requires html/css skills, as well as access to browsers for testing
influencer gig
influencer gig
Make selfie videos! Post valuable content! Build a following! Make post! We will help!
This doesn't seem doable... yet. Maybe something's missing. Maybe it was never meant to be!
marketing gig
marketing gig
This has a marketing angle! Keywords, headlines, demographics, analysis! We'll surely help!
paid gig
paid gig
by default we rely on volunteers this gig is on the critical path so is eligible for $ compensation
snapchat gig
snapchat gig
Post text, pics and videos on your snapchat private story or public story!
team gig
team gig
This gig could involve multiple contributors with complementary skills, e.g., graphic, writing etc.
tiktok admin gig
tiktok admin gig
administers user accounts on tiktok
tiktok gig
tiktok gig
community manager on tiktok, posts content on tiktok
twitter gig
twitter gig
Post tweets, pics, docs, videos, etc on twitter!
video gig
video gig
Help create a scripted or unscripted short or long form video. Editing and posting. We will help.
This will not be worked on. We will learn to live with it! Find workarounds and comments here.
writing gig
writing gig
Collect info and Write ad copy, content, keywords, etc. We will help.
youtube gig
youtube gig
Post videos on youtube! Make and update playlist!