usage: fpgamake [-h] [-D DEFINE] [--header HEADER] [-o OUTPUT] [-s SYNTH] [-B BOARD] [-p PART] [--xci XCI] [--chipscope CHIPSCOPE] [--constraints CONSTRAINTS] [--tcl TCL]
[--floorplan FLOORPLAN] [--preserve-clock-gates PRESERVE_CLOCK_GATES] [--report-nworst-timing-paths REPORT_NWORST_TIMING_PATHS] [-t TOP] [-b BITFILE]
[--cachedir CACHEDIR] [-v] [--debug]
vpath [vpath ...]
Generates Makefiles to synthesize, place, and route verilog. Each
module specified will be synthesized into a separate design
checkpoint. If a floorplan is provided, each instance of the
synthesized modules will be separately placed and routed and then
combined into the top level design.
positional arguments:
vpath Verilog path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-D DEFINE, --define DEFINE
Verilog defines
--header HEADER Verilog headers
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output make file
-s SYNTH, --synth SYNTH
Module to synthesize separately
-B BOARD, --board BOARD
Target board name
-p PART, --part PART Target part name
--xci XCI XCI file to use
--chipscope CHIPSCOPE
chipscope file to use
--constraints CONSTRAINTS
Constraints file to use (.xdc for Xilinx, .sdc for Altera)
--tcl TCL User tcl script to use
--floorplan FLOORPLAN
Floorplan XDC.
--preserve-clock-gates PRESERVE_CLOCK_GATES
Do not delete clock gate pins if set to 1
--report-nworst-timing-paths REPORT_NWORST_TIMING_PATHS
Number of unique failing timing paths to report.
-t TOP, --top TOP Top verilog file
-b BITFILE, --bitfile BITFILE
Bit file to generate
--cachedir CACHEDIR Cache directory
-v, --verbose Verbose operation
--debug Debug operation
From Ubuntu packages:
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:jamey-hicks/connectal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install fpgamake
From RPM packages, install the appropriate repo file:
yum install fpgamake
From Github:
git clone
git clone
Check out or download the fpgamake sources, as above.
cd examples/uart_kc705; make all
This example requires the BSV compiler.
Check out or download the fpgamake sources, as above.
cd examples/uart_de5; make all
This example requires the BSV compiler.
To build the Vivado Tutorial TD with fpgamake. Download and unpack the tutorial, and the run the following command:
./fpgamake --board='noboard' --part='xc7k70tfbg676-2' -b top.bit -o -t top -s usbf_top -s or1200_top --floorplan=$XDCDIR/top_flpn.xdc --xdc=$XDCDIR/top.xdc --header=or1200_defines.v --header=usbf_defines.v $SOURCEDIR/hdl
make -f