A Java bot for Discord using the JDA library.
It uses sql (mariadb) to store data
If you'd like to run your own version of this project check the installation part
You can play/test it on discord
- Ton of commands
- Add your own
- play music
- customizable globally and per guild
- play games against other users
- subscription system
- various optional modules
- auto self updates with this project
- auto ranking system
Commands are prefixed with a "!" by default, this can be configured. For a list of commands in discord the help command can be used. For more information about a command use help <commandname>
Current list of all available commands. See below for a more detailed list
Games can be accessed though the !game command
A list of games:
Key | Name | Players |
cf | Connect Four | 2 |
gos | Game of sticks | 2 |
tic | Tic tac toe | 2 |
The per-guild configuration can be accessed though the !config command, to use it you must be the server owner, or have the discord-administrator permission
The following settings can be changed per guild:
default: false
setting-type: toggle
use the auto reply feature?
Looks for patterns in messages and replies to them (with a cooldown)
true -> enable auto replying to matched messages
false -> disable auto replying
setting-type: discord-role
Users with this role are considered admins for the bot
default: general
setting-type: text-channel
Channel where the bots default output goes to
default: en
setting-type: enum [de, en, nl]
The output language of the bot
default: false
setting-type: text-channel
The channel where the logging of events happens. Such as users joining/leaving
Setting this to 'false' will disable it (without the quotes)
To enable it, set this setting to match the channel name where you want the logging to happen
If you specify an invalid channel, this setting will disable itself
default: false
setting-type: text-channel
The channel where mod-logging happens.
A case will appear if a user has been banned/kicked/warned/muted
Setting this to 'false' will disable it (without the quotes)
To enable it, set this setting to match the channel name where you want the moderation-cases to go
If you specify an invalid channel, this setting will disable itself
default: false
setting-type: discord-role
This is the role which is applied to those who you use the mute command on
Setting this value to false will disable the role applied with the mute command
default: playing
setting-type: enum [always, playing, off]
Show a warning that there is an update and that the bot will be updating soon.
always -> always show the message in the bot's configured default channel
playing -> only announce when the bot is playing music and in the bot's configured music channel
off -> don't announce when the bot is going down for an update
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Setting this to true will make it so that it responds to every message in the configured bot_channel
default: no
setting-type: enum [no, yes, nonstandard]
Delete messages after a while?
yes -> Always delete messages
no -> Never delete messages
nonstandard -> delete messages outside of bot's default channel
default: false
setting-type: text-channel
The channel command usage will be logged to
Example output:
Kaaz#9436 has used say
in #general
arguments: this is not a test
output: this is not a test
Setting this to 'false' will disable it (without the quotes)
To enable it, set this setting to match the channel name where you want the command logging to happen
If you specify an invalid channel, this setting will disable itself
default: $
setting-type: enum
Prefix for commands (between 1 and 4 characters)
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Show some debug information.
valid values:
true -> Show a lot more additional information
false -> don't
If you want to check if certain things are (not) working.
default: false
setting-type: toggle
show help in a private message?
true -> send a message to the user requesting help
false -> output help to the channel where requested
default: true
setting-type: toggle
Use the economy feature?
false -> nope!
true -> yep!
default: true
setting-type: toggle
Let people play games against each other
default: false
setting-type: text-channel
Channel where the bots music-related output goes to
default: false
setting-type: voice-channel
The channel where I automatically connect to if a user joins
Not using this setting, wont auto-connect to anything.
setting this to match a voice channel name:
The moment a user connects to the specified channel I connect too and start to play music.
Important to note:
- If the configured channel does not exist, this setting will be turned off
- If I'm already connected to a different voice-channel I won't use this setting
default: false
setting-type: enum [auto, true, false]
Updates the music channel's topic with the currently playing song
auto -> update the title every 10 seconds with the track its playing
true -> yes change the topic at the beginning of every song
false -> leave the channel topic title alone!
default: true
setting-type: toggle
Only allow admins to clear the music add?
Only admins can clear the music add
Everyone can clear the add
default: clear
setting-type: enum [normal, clear, off]
Clear the now playing message?
clear -> sends a message and deletes it when the song is over or skipped
normal -> send the message and just leave it be
off -> don't send now playing messages
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Stop playing music once the add is empty?
once the add is empty I stop playing music and leave the voice channel
If the add is empty, I'm gonna pick the track.
default: 1
setting-type: enum
the amount of results the play
command returns
If its set to 1, it will always use the first result (no manual choice)
If its set higher (max 5) it will respond with reactions where each button is a choice
Note: This setting does require the add reactions permission
default: false
setting-type: discord-role
In order to use music commands you need this role!
Setting this value to false will disable the requirement
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Show who's listening in the current command
true -> List all the people who are currently listening to music
false -> Don't show listeners
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Only allow admins to use the skip command?
Only admins have permission to use the skip command
Everyone can use the skip command
default: 100
setting-type: enum
sets the default volume of the music player
So the next time the bot connects it starts with this volume
Accepts a value between 0 and 100
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Require a guild admin to change the volume
true -> only allow guild admins to change the bot's volume
false -> allow all users to change the bot's volume
default: 40
setting-type: enum
Percentage of users (rounded down) required to skip the currently playing track
eg; when set to 25, and 5 listeners it would require 2 users to vote skip
Accepts a value between 1 and 100
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Send a private message to owner when something happens to a user?
true -> sends a private message to guild-owner
false -> does absolutely nothing
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Show which templates are being used on places.
valid values:
true -> Shows the keyphrases being used
false -> Shows normal text
for instance if you don't have permission to access a command:
setting this to true would show:
false would show:
You don't have permission to use that!
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Show message on nonexistent commands and blacklisted commands
true -> returns a help message
false -> stays silent
default: false
setting-type: toggle
This setting will require me to have the manage role permission!
Users are given a role based on their time spend in the discord server
If you'd like to use the time based ranks, be sure to check out the other settings first!
Setting: Use time based ranks?
true -> yes
false -> no
default: [rank]
setting-type: enum
The prefix of the role name for the time based role ranking
Using this prefix to manage roles so make sure its somewhat unique! Or you'll have to cleanup yourself :)
If you'd like to use the time based ranks make sure to set this first!
The prefix can be between 3 and 8 in length
default: false
setting-type: toggle
Show a welcome message to new users?
Valid options:
true -> shows a welcome when a user joins or leaves the guild
false -> Disabled, doesn't say anything
The welcome message can be set with the template:
The welcome back message can be set with the template (if the user had joined before):
The leave message can be set with the template:
If multiple templates are set a random one will be chosen
See the template command for more details
The auto ranking system is based on the join date of the user. After a set amount of time the user will be promoted to the next rank. The ranks will be created/maintained by the bot.
The following settings will affect the ranking system user_time_ranks user_time_ranks_prefix
note: In order for this to work the bot needs the manage roles permission on discord.
The rankings go according to the table below:
Name | Time spend |
Spectator | 16 minutes |
Outsider | about an hour |
Lurker | 4 hours |
Neutral | about a day |
Prospect | 2 days |
Friendly | 4 days |
Regular | 7 days |
Honored | 14 days |
Veteran | 28 days |
Revered | 50 days |
Herald | 75 days |
Exalted | 125 days |
Beloved | 200 days |
Favorite | 365 days |
Consul | 500 days |
Also prepare a MariaDB SQL server (either hosted or installed locally).
Then continue with the following steps.
Create a database
Create a database using the utf8mb4 character set.
To make this easier you can do this using a SQL management tool like PHPMyAdmin or HeidiSQL. -
Clone the project with git
cd /path/to/your/project/folder git clone https://github.com/Kaaz/DiscordBot.git
Collect dependencies
into the directory that git just created (should be calledDiscordBot
Then typegradle install
. -
gradle shadowJar
in theDiscordBot
folder. In the build/libs/ folder there should be a file calledEmily-{VERSION}-all.jar
(where version is the latest version number). Move this file over to a location wherever you want to start the bot from. -
You can launch the bot with the following command:
java -jar <jarfilename>
On first launch, It will generate anapplication.cfg
file and exit.
You'll have to edit the config file and add in your token, database configuration, etc.
On the first run it will generate a config file and stop running. You'll need to at least set the token and the property bot_enabled to true
See what the magic 8ball has to say
Aliases: 8ball
Usable in public and private channels
bans a member from your guild
Aliases: ban
Usable in public channels
ban <user> //Permanently removes user from guild user from guild
play a game of blackjack!
Aliases: blackjack, bj
Usable in public and private channels
blackjack //check status
blackjack hit //hits
blackjack stand //stands
Set the game I'm currently playing
Aliases: botstatus
Usable in public and private channels
botstatus reset //unlocks the status
botstatus game <game> //changes the playing game to <game>
botstatus stream <username> <game> //streaming twitch.tv/<username> playing <game>
Moderate the mod-cases
Aliases: case
Usable in public channels
case reason <id> <message> //sets/modifies the reason of a case
case reason last <message> //sets/modified the reason of the last added case by you
Cat facts!
Aliases: catfact, catfacts
Usable in public and private channels
Changes my name
Aliases: changename
Usable in public and private channels
manage the changelog
Aliases: cla
Usable in public and private channels
cla <version> <type> <message> //adds a change to <version> of <type> with <message>
cla current <type> <message> //shortcut for current version
cla next <type> <message> // ^ next version
cla types
cla <version> publish <true/false> //publish the log for version (or not)
Add and remove custom commands. There are a few keywords you can use in commands. These tags will be replaced by its value
Key Replacement
%user% Username %args% everything the user said besides the command %arg1% the first argument of the user %arg9% the 9th argument etc. a new argument starts after a space %user-mention% Mentions user %user-id% ID of user %nick% Nickname %discrim% discrim %guild% Guild name %guild-id% guild id %guild-users% amount of users in the guild %channel% channel name %channel-id% channel id %channel-mention% Mentions channel %rand-user% random user in guild %rand-user-online% random ONLINE user in guild
Aliases: command, cmd, customcommand
Usable in public channels
command add <command> <action> //adds a command
command delete <command> //deletes a command
command //shows a list of existing custom commands
Commands can be enabled/disabled through this command. A channel specific setting will always override the guild setting
You can also give/deny permission to roles to use certain commands
Aliases: commandadmin, ca
Usable in public channels
ca <command> [enable/disable] //enables/disables commands in the whole guild
ca <command> [enable/disable] [#channel] //enables/disables commands in a channel. This overrides the above
ca all-commands [enable/disable] //disable/enable all (disable-able commands)
ca all-commands [enable/disable] [#channel] //disable/enable all commands in that channel
ca resetchannel [#channel] //resets the overrides for a channel
ca resetallchannels //resets the overrides for all channels
ca reset yesimsure //enables all commands + resets overrides
ca meme disable //this disabled the meme command
ca meme enable #spam //overrides and meme is enabled in #spam
Gets/sets the configuration of the bot
Aliases: config, setting, cfg
Usable in public channels
config //overview
config page <number> //show page <number>
config tags //see what tags exist
config tag <tagname> //show settings with tagname
config <property> //check details of property
config <property> <value> //sets property
config reset yesimsure //resets the configuration to the default settings
retrieves information about the song currently playing
Aliases: current, playing, np, nowplaying
Usable in public channels
current //info about the currently playing song
current seek <time> //go to specified timestamp of track (eg. 3m10s)
current vote <1-10> //Cast your vote to the song; 1=worst, 10=best
current repeat //repeats the currently playing song
current update //updates the now playing message every 10 seconds
current updatetitle //updates the topic of the music channel every 10 seconds
current source //Shows the source of the video
current pm //sends you a private message with the details
current clear //clears everything in the queue
current clear admin //check if clear is admin-only
current clear admin toggle //switch between admin-only and normal
some debugging tools
Aliases: debug
Usable in public and private channels
fixusernames, fixrelations
general info about how to contribute or donate to Emily
Aliases: donate, contribute
Usable in public and private channels
executes commandline stuff
Aliases: exec
Usable in public and private channels
completely shuts the bot down
Aliases: exit, brexit
Usable in public and private channels
get in an epic fight; (gif fight)
Aliases: fight
Usable in public channels
fight //random user fights
fight <user> //<user> fights
fmylife! Returns a random entry from fmylife.com
Aliases: fml
Usable in public and private channels
play games against eachother!
Aliases: game
Usable in public channels
game list //to see a list games
game <@user> <gamecode> //play a game against @user
game cancel //cancel an active game!
allows users to request a role
Aliases: getrole
Usable in public channels
list //see what roles are available
remove <rolename> //removes the <rolename> from you
<rolename> //assign the <rolename> to you
Gifs from giphy
Aliases: gif
Usable in public and private channels
gif //shows random gif
gif <tags> //random gif based on tags
Ban those nasty humans
Aliases: globalban
Usable in public and private channels
shows some statistics
Aliases: guildstats, stats
Usable in public and private channels
stats //stats!
stats mini //minified!
stats users //graph of when users joined!
stats activity//last activity per shard
An attempt to help out
Aliases: help, ?, halp, helpme, h, commands
Usable in public and private channels
help //shows commands grouped by categories, navigable by reactions
help full //index of all commands, in case you don't have reactions
help <command> //usage for that command
Shows some general information about me and my future plans.
Aliases: info, about
Usable in public and private channels
info //general info
Provides an invite link to add the bot to your server.
Aliases: invite, inv
Usable in public and private channels
joins a voicechannel
Aliases: join
Usable in public channels
join //attempts to join you
join <channelname> //attempts to join channelname
An attempt to be funny
Aliases: joke
Usable in public and private channels
Kicks a member from your guild
Aliases: kick
Usable in public channels
kick <user> //Remove user from the guild user from guild
leaves guild :(
Aliases: leaveguild
Usable in public and private channels
leaveguild //leaves the guild
log all the things! Configure how/where/what is being logged
Aliases: logging, log
Usable in public and private channels
generate a meme!
Aliases: meme
Usable in public and private channels
meme type //list of all valid types
meme <type> <toptext> | <bottomtext> //make the meme!
meme <type> <toptext> //with just toptext!
meme sohappy If I could use this meme | I would be so happy
Aliases: modcase, case
Usable in public channels
kick <user> //kicks user
gets and sets the music-related settings
Aliases: music
Usable in public channels
music //shows music configuration
Mute a member from your guild
Aliases: mute
Usable in public channels
mute <user> //Adds the configured muted role to user user from guild
pauses the music or resumes it if its paused
Aliases: pause, resume
Usable in public channels
checks the latency of the bot
Aliases: ping
Usable in public and private channels
ping //Check bot latency
ping fancy //Check bot latency in a fancier way
Plays a song from youtube
Aliases: play, p
Usable in public channels
play <youtubelink> //download and plays song
play <part of title> //shows search results
play //just start playing something
information about the playlists
Aliases: playlist, pl
Usable in public channels
-- using playlists
playlist mine //use your default playlist
playlist mine <code> //use your playlist with code
playlist lists //see what playlists you have
playlist guildlists //see what playlists the guild has
playlist guild //use the guild's default playlist
playlist guild <code> //use the guild's playlist with code
playlist global //use the global playlist
playlist settings //check the settings for the active playlist
playlist //info about the current playlist
playlist list <page> //Shows the music in the playlist
-- Adding and removing music from the playlist
playlist add //adds the currently playing music
playlist add guild //adds the currently playing to the guild list
playlist remove //removes the currently playing music
playlist removeall //removes ALL songs from playlist
-- Changing the settings of the playlist
playlist title <new title> //edit the playlist title
playlist edit <new type> //change the edit-type of a playlist
playlist play <id> //plays a track from the playlist
playlist playtype <new type> //change the play-type of a playlist
Send a message to user
Aliases: pm
Usable in public and private channels
pm <@user> <message..>
Strawpoll: propose a question and choices for the chat to vote on
Aliases: poll
Usable in public channels
poll //status of active poll
poll create <question> ;<option1>;<option2>;<etc.> (max 8)
//creates a poll for the duration
poll 1-9 //vote on the options
Forgot what the prefix is? I got you covered
Aliases: prefix
Usable in public and private channels
prefix //shows the set prefix
prefix <prefix> //sets the prefix to <prefix>
deletes non-pinned messages
Aliases: purge, clear, delete
Usable in public channels
//deletes up to 100 non-pinned messages
//deletes <limit> (max 2500) non-pinned messages
purge <limit>
//deletes messages newer than now - (input)
purge time 1d2h10m //you can use dhms and combinations
//deletes <limit> messages from <user>, limit is optional
purge @user [limit]
//deletes messages from <user>, user can be part of a user's name
purge user <user>
//deletes messages matching <regex>
purge matches <regex>
//delete messages NOT matching <regex>
purge notmatches <regex>
//delete command related messages
purge commands
//deletes bot messages
purge bot
check whats in the music queue
Aliases: queue, q
Usable in public channels
queue //overview
Adds and removes roles from users based on reactions from a message
You save messages/reactions to keys to make maintaining them a little easier.
Aliases: reactionrole, rr
Usable in public channels
rr //overview of all the configured keys
rr add <key> <emote> <role> //adds a reaction with role to the message
rr remove <key> <emote> //removes emote reaction from key
rr delete <key> //deletes the set
rr message <key> <message> //updates the message
rr display <key> [channel] //displays the message in this channel
//or in the channel you specified
restarts the bot
Aliases: reboot, restart
Usable in public and private channels
reboot now //reboots the system
reboot now firm //reboots the system, but ensures a restart in 5 minutes
reboot update //reboots the system and updates
reboot update firm //reboots the system and updates, but ensures a restart in 5 minutes
reboot shard <id> //reboots shard
reboot shard <guildid> //reboots shard for guild-id
Posts something from reddit
Aliases: reddit, r
Usable in public and private channels
r <subreddit>
reloads the configuration
Aliases: reload
Usable in public channels
Report bugs/abuse/incidents
Aliases: report
Usable in private channels
report <subject> | <message..>
Management of roles & general permissions You can give users the ability to self-assign roles.
Note: self-assignable roles are not created by emily! To add an assignable role, you'll first have to add that role though discord.
Users can get/remove their own roles with the getrole
Aliases: roleadmin, ra
Usable in public channels
You can specify which roles are self-assignable by users with the following commands:
roleadmin self //check what roles are self-assignable
roleadmin self add <rolename> //add a role to the list of assignable roles
roleadmin self remove <rolename> //remove a role from the list of assignable roles
//You can use everyone as <user> and it'll apply to everyone
roleadmin give <user> <role> //gives a user a role
roleadmin take <user> <role> //takes away role
roleadmin //lists roles
roleadmin cleanup //cleans up the roles from the time-based rankings
roleadmin setup //creates the roles for the time-based rankings
if you ever need a random number
Aliases: roll, dice, rng
Usable in public and private channels
roll //random number 1-6
roll <max> //random number 1-<max>
roll <min> <max> //random number <min>-<max>
roll XdY //eg. 2d5 rolls 2 dice of 1-5 and returns the sum
roll XdY+z //eg. 2d5+2 rolls 2 dice of 1-5 and returns the sum plus 2
Rotate text!
Aliases: rotate
Usable in public and private channels
rotate <text..>
executes commandline stuff
Aliases: sendfile
Usable in public and private channels
Information about the server
Aliases: server
Usable in public channels
skip current track
Aliases: skip, next
Usable in public channels
skip //skips current track
skip adminonly //check what skipmode its set on
skip adminonly toggle //toggle the skipmode
skip force //admin-only, force a skip
Feeling lucky? try the slotmachine! You might just win a hand full of air!
Aliases: slot
Usable in public and private channels
slot //spin the slotmachine
slot [cookies] //play for real cookies where [cookies] is the amount of cookies you bet
slot info //info about payout
stops playing music
Aliases: stop, leave
Usable in public channels
stop //stops playing and leaves the channel
stop force //stops playing and leaves the channel (admin, debug)
stop afternp //stops and leaves after the now playing track is over
subscribe the channel to certain events
Aliases: subscribe, sub
Usable in public channels
subscribe //check what subscriptions are active
subscribe <name> //subscribe to subject
subscribe stop <name> //stop subscription to subject
subscribe list //See what subscription options there are
Shows memory usage
Aliases: system, sysinfo, sys
Usable in public and private channels
Aliases: tag, t, tags
Usable in public channels
tag //list of tags
tag <name> //shows the tag
tag mine //shows your tags
tag by <name> //shows tags created by user
tag details <tag> //shows info about tag
tag list //shows all tags
tag deleteuser <@user> //deletes tags by user
tag delete <name> //deletes tag
tag <name> <content> //creates the tag
Bans a user for a while
Aliases: tempban
Usable in public channels
tempban <user> //Remove user from guild, unable to rejoin for a while user from guild
adds/removes templates
Aliases: template, tpl
Usable in public and private channels
template <keyphrase> //shows all templates for a keyphrase
template add <keyphrase> <text...> //adds a template for keyphrase
template search <contains> //searches for keyphrases matching part of the <contains>
template list <page> //lists all keyphrases
template remove <keyphrase> <index> //removes selected template for keyphrase
template debug [on/off] //enables/disabled debugging of templates
There are a few keywords you can utilize in templates. These keywords will be replaced by its value
To see which variables are at your disposal:
template variable //all variables
template variable <keyphrase> //variables for that keyphrase
for users with botadmin+, use 'template global ...' for global templates
kaaz's test command
Aliases: test
Usable in public channels
administer todo items
Aliases: todo
Usable in public and private channels
todo //overview of your lists items
todo create //creates the list
todo list <name/code> //check todo items of a list
todo add <text> //adds a todo item to your list
todo remove <id> //removes a todo item from your list
todo check <text> //marks an item as checked
todo uncheck <text> //marks an item as unchecked
todo clearchecked //deletes checked items
todo priority <number> <priority> //sets a priority of a todo item
A veritable cornucopia of streetwise lingo
Aliases: ud
Usable in public and private channels
ud <anything> //looks up what it means on urban dictionary
How long am I running for?
Aliases: uptime
Usable in public and private channels
Shows information about the user
Aliases: user, whois
Usable in public and private channels
user //info about you
user @user //info about @user
user @user joindate yyyy-MM-dd //overrides the join-date of a user
user @user joindate reset //restores the original value
user guilds @user //what guilds/shards @user most likely uses
This command is intended for bot admins
Aliases: userrank, ur
Usable in public channels
userrank <user> //check rank of user
userrank <user> <rank> //gives a rank to user
userrank <user> perm <+/-> <node> //adds/removes permission from user
userrank permlist //lists all permissions
userrank ranks //lists all ranks
Shows what versions I'm using
Aliases: version, v
Usable in public and private channels
version //version usage
gets and sets the volume of the music
Aliases: volume, vol
Usable in public channels
volume //shows current volume
volume <1 to 100> //sets volume
Give a user a warning
Aliases: warn
Usable in public channels
warn <user> //Adds a strike to the user user from guild
The global configuration is stored in the application.cfg file, which is generated the first time you run the application
The following settings can be set globally:
Setting name | default | description |
BOT_ENABLED | false | Enables the bot This must be set to true in order to run the bot |
BOT_AUTO_UPDATE | false | Enable automatic updates. For this to work you'll have to launch the bot though my other project https://github.com/Kaaz/ConfigurationBuilder |
BOT_NAME | "NovaBot" | the default name of the bot, |
BOT_CHANNEL_ID | "225170823898464256" | Discord channel is of the bot's own channel |
BOT_TOKEN | "mybottokenhere" | token used to login to discord |
BOT_CHATTING_ENABLED | true | Enable cleverbot |
BOT_COMMAND_PREFIX | "!" | prefix for all commands !help etc. This can be overriden per guild |
BOT_COMMAND_LOGGING | true | save the usage of commands |
BOT_COMMAND_SHOW_UNKNOWN | false | Reply to non existing commands? eg. hey that command doesn't exist |
MUSIC_DOWNLOAD_SOUNDCLOUD_EXE | "H:/" | location of the soundcloud jar |
MUSIC_DOWNLOAD_SOUNDCLOUD_API_TOKEN | "some-token" | token used to connect to soundcloud |
YOUTUBEDL_EXE | "H:/youtube-dl.exe" | location of youtubedl.exe |
YOUTUBEDL_BIN | "H:/music/bin/" | folder with the binary files required for ffmpeg |
MUSIC_DIRECTORY | "H:/music/" | directory where all the music is stored |
DB_HOST | "localhost" | sql hostname |
DB_USER | "root" | sql user |
DB_PASS | "" | sql password |
DB_NAME | "discord" | sql database name |
MODULE_ECONOMY_ENABLED | true | enable economy globally |
MODULE_POE_ENABLED | true | enable poe globally |
MODULE_HEARTHSTONE_ENABLED | true | enable hearthstone globally |
MODULE_MUSIC_ENABLED | true | enable music globally |
ECONOMY_CURRENCY_NAME | "" | name of the currency |
ECONOMY_CURRENCY_ICON | "" | emoticon of the currency |
TRELLO_ACTIVE | false | Use trello integration |
TRELLO_API_KEY | "api-key-here" | Use trello integration |
TRELLO_BOARD_ID | "1234" | trello board id |
TRELLO_LIST_BUGS | "1234" | trello list id |
TRELLO_LIST_IN_PROGRESS | "1234" | trello list id for in progress items |
TRELLO_LIST_PLANNED | "1234" | trello list id for planned items |
TRELLO_TOKEN | "token-here" | the trello token |