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RemoteBlazorWebView.Wpf.BlazorWebView is a powerful control based on the .NET 8 Blazor WebView Control for WPF applications. It allows you to interact with the user interface of a program developed using the BlazorWebView WPF control through a web browser by leveraging a cloud-based server.

The RemoteBlazorWebView.Wpf.BlazorWebView control facilitates remote interaction with your application's user interface by setting up a server (RemoteWebViewService) in the cloud and connecting your browser to it.

As a drop-in replacement for the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Wpf.BlazorWebView control, RemoteBlazorWebView.Wpf requires only minimal changes to your existing application to enable remote control capabilities. This makes it an efficient and convenient solution for extending your application's functionality.


RemoteBlazorWebView.WindowsForms.BlazorWebView is a robust control built on the .NET 8 Blazor WebView WinForms Control, designed for Windows Forms applications. It allows you to engage with the user interface of a program created using the BlazorWebView WinForms control through a web browser, utilizing a cloud-based server.

The RemoteBlazorWebView.WindowsForms.BlazorWebView control enables remote interaction with your application's user interface by establishing a server (RemoteWebViewService) in the cloud and directing your browser to connect with it.

As a seamless replacement for the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms.BlazorWebView control, RemoteBlazorWebView.WindowsForms.BlazorWebView necessitates only minimal adjustments to your current application to empower remote control capabilities. This makes it an effective and user-friendly option for enhancing your application's features.

Demo Video


Usage instructions

You do not need to build this repo unless you want to customize the RemoteWebViewService. Run the following command to install the RemoteWebViewService

dotnet tool update -g PeakSWC.RemoteWebViewService --version 8.*-* 


Check out the tutorial at