Geeklet for Spotify player, shows track info and artwork
###Easy setup
- download the zip file from releases tab
- decompress the downloaded
- open the SpotifyGeeklet/glet folder
- open each file in GeekTool
- you can rearrange the geeklets to your desired position
###Using the codes
In Shell Geeklet, type in command:
Without arguments
osascript path_to_script
Running without argument will also update the Artwork.tiff file
With arguments
osascript path_to_script -name // return track name
osascript path_to_script -artist // return track artist
osascript path_to_script -album // return track album
osascript path_to_script -time // return track time/duration
osascript path_to_script -artwork // update Artwork.tiff
In Image Geeklet, set the path to path_to_script_folder/Artwork.tiff
Refresh geeklets with duration of 1-5 secs, depending on your preference
If you don't want the Spotify icon as the default artwork, there's another transparent icon in path_to_script_folder/DefaultArtwork/DefaultArtworkTrans.tiff
, rename it to DefaultArtwork.tiff
If you prefer another icon image, you can just replace the DefaultArtwork.tiff
AppleScript to show current song and artwork in Geektool
By Luc-Olivier Dumais-Blais
*version 0.5.1*
Modified from