This workshop is designed to be run on Oscar, Brown's computing cluster. The workshop is aimed at people getting started with Slurm on Oscar. We assume you have some knowledge of the linux command line.
The workshop presentation slides can be viewed at
The exercises can be found at
You can attend this workshop in person. To find upcoming CCV events visit:
You are also welcome follow the slides and do the exercises on your own. If you find any problems with the exercises, please create an issue on this repository or email
Login nodes are for editing files, compiling, moving files, changing permission, submitting jobs. Compute nodes are where you should do your intensive computing. To use the compute nodes you are going to use Slurm. Do not run Matlab on the login nodes!
To copy the exercise materials:
- Login into Oscar
- Clone this repostiory into your home directory
- cd into the
git clone
cd beginner-slurm
Example batch scripts can be found in your home directory on Oscar. To list all the example scripts do:
ls ~/batch_scripts
You can use these scripts as a reference. You can copy these scripts and edit to fit your needs, for example to copy the
cp ~/batch_scripts/ .
Checkout other workshops offered by the CCV HPC team.
To sign up for live events, go to the CCV Events Calendar