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Subfields present

victoriamorris edited this page Nov 27, 2024 · 6 revisions

Subfields present


Analysis is based on a copy of BLL60 dating to March 2023, so may be out of date

For fields that are intentionally present in holdings records, the table below lists the subfield codes defined for each field, along with the actual subfield codes found to be present in BLL60.

^ denotes a blank character being used as a subfield code. Spaces within lists of characters are to aid readability.

Table of fields and subfields (click to expand)
Field tag Obsolete? Permitted subfields Subfields present Illegal subfields
541 3568 abcdefhno 235 abcdef 2
561 3568 au 356 ab b
562 3568 abcde 3568 abcdez z
563 3568 au 35 a
583 23568 abcdefhijklnouxz 25 acfhkxz
589 obsolete a atu tu
590 a a
843 35678 abcdefmn 35 abcdefn
845 23568 abcdfgqu 25 afu
852 23689 abcdefghijklmnpqstuxz 23689 abcfghijklmnopqstxz o
853 23689 abcdefghijklmnoptuvwxyz 389 abcgijkuvwxy
854 2368 abcdefghijklmnoptuvwxyz 39 abijuvw 9
856 23678 acdfghlmnopqrstuvwxyz 3 auxy
863 68 abcdefghijklmnopqstvwxz abijpqx
866 268 axz $8 axz $
903 a a
957 a acg cg
958 abc 8abc 8
972 25 afijklmu 25 afijkmu
980 [Cannot find documentation] aeq
985 a 35 abcdjq 35 bcdjq
AQN a atux tux
CAT abchl abchl
CCS e e
CNC obsolete a atu tu
CTR ab abtu tu
LKR abl $abl $
SMK 2368 abcdefghijklmnpqstuxz 3 abchijkq
SMS obsolete a [Field not used]
STA ab ab

Illegal subfield codes

The table below lists all illegal subfield codes found in BLL60, along with:

  • The number of records in which the subfield code is found
  • The total number of instances of the subfield code

Only valid fields are considered. Subfield codes present within fields with invalid field tags are not listed.

The table below suggests that the following subfields have been locally defined, but not documented:

  • 589 $t, $u
  • 852 $o
  • 958 $8
  • AQN $t, $u
  • CNC $t, $u
  • CTR $t, $u

        Subfield pairs $t, $u are normally of the form $tDSS0?$u001, where the ? can be 1, 2, 3 or 4.
        958 contains the system number present in the 001, so could be deleted from records without loss of data.
        825 $o seems to be present in MUSIC shelfmarks only, and contains a single capital letter.

Table of subfield codes (click to expand)
Field Subfield Number of records Number of subfields Notes
541 2 1 1
561 b 1 1
562 z 1 1
589 t 26488 26489
589 u 26498 26499
852 o 384984 384984
854 9 12 12 Only an issue in records 007122420, 009461728, 015600596, 015606468, 016106344, as other fields should be moved to 853. Subfield $9 should probably be defined for field 854.
866 $ 1 1
957 c 8 8
957 g 1 1
958 8 251047 251369
985 3 7 9 These are all instances of data being in the wrong field
985 5 16 25 These are all instances of data being in the wrong field
985 b 1 1 These are all instances of data being in the wrong field
985 c 3 3 These are all instances of data being in the wrong field
985 d 1 1 These are all instances of data being in the wrong field
985 j 1 1 These are all instances of data being in the wrong field
985 q 1 1 These are all instances of data being in the wrong field
AQN t 127247 127249
AQN u 127515 127517
AQN x 2 2
CNC t 322281 322281
CNC u 322293 322293
CTR t 491580 491581
CTR u 491642 491642
LKR $ 2 2

Valid subfield codes

The table below lists all valid subfield codes found in BLL60, along with:

  • The number of records in which the subfield code is found
  • The total number of instances of the subfield code

Only subfields present within BLL60 are considered. Subfield codes that are defined but not used are not listed.

Table of subfield codes (click to expand)
Field Subfield Number of records Number of subfields
541 3 113 114
541 5 150 153
541 a 156 158
541 b 9 9
541 c 131 132
541 d 121 122
541 e 7 7
541 f 4 4
546 a 1 1
561 3 300 346
561 5 111721 118419
561 6 3 3
561 a 112152 118881
562 3 642 748
562 5 45705 47308
562 6 1 1
562 8 1 1
562 a 47052 48776
562 b 1859 1878
562 c 43 43
562 d 14 14
562 e 26 26
563 3 18 18
563 5 20572 20612
563 a 20733 20774
583 2 584341 584346
583 5 584342 584347
583 a 584370 584375
583 c 584365 584370
583 f 1 1
583 h 125 125
583 k 584240 584245
583 x 125 125
583 z 1 1
585 5 2 2
585 a 4 4
589 a 30159 30161
590 a 71937 71978
843 3 323 323
843 5 324 324
843 a 595688 595692
843 b 595685 595688
843 c 595684 595687
843 d 595685 595688
843 e 5 5
843 f 329 329
843 n 595684 600910
845 2 824 824
845 5 824 824
845 a 624460 624460
845 f 824 824
845 u 624460 624460
852 2 391754 391754
852 3 229417 229417
852 6 2 2
852 8 81 81
852 9 14 14
852 a 18500690 18501199
852 b 18509762 18509968
852 c 2462388 2462413
852 f 2 2
852 g 4 4
852 h 511635 511635
852 i 1227159 1227179
852 j 17876785 17876978
852 k 510348 510369
852 l 27 27
852 m 183035 183038
852 n 11 11
852 p 93 93
852 q 63040 63043
852 s 9 9
852 t 53 53
852 x 20440 20455
852 z 226438 235824
853 3 52488 52505
853 8 81 152
853 9 52386 52411
853 a 52555 104979
853 b 21604 43184
853 c 18 36
853 g 245 490
853 i 52579 105035
853 j 12621 25107
853 k 1506 3007
853 u 30689 30728
853 v 31462 31500
853 w 52566 52579
853 x 106 106
853 y 4205 4244
854 3 13 13
854 a 13 26
854 b 7 13
854 i 13 26
854 j 3 6
854 u 13 13
854 v 9 9
854 w 13 13
856 3 17 22
856 a 1 1
856 u 571 579
856 x 1 1
856 y 265 265
863 a 21 27
863 b 2 2
863 i 2 2
863 j 2 2
863 p 1 1
863 q 183 276
863 x 1 1
866 8 1 1
866 a 670815 670851
866 x 381801 402157
866 z 720829 814078
903 a 2033948 2033948
957 a 47035 47561
958 a 435081 445172
958 b 284898 285503
958 c 64379 65956
972 2 824 824
972 5 824 824
972 a 624460 624460
972 f 824 824
972 i 93 93
972 j 624861 624861
972 k 1 1
972 m 6 6
972 u 624460 624460
980 a 593502 643526
980 e 1 1
980 q 8 8
985 a 339 377
AQN a 153448 159273
CAT a 18515671 48057655
CAT b 18515671 48057655
CAT c 18515671 49588262
CAT h 18515671 49588262
CAT l 18515671 49588262
CCS e 824 824
CNC a 337731 337734
CTR a 747326 747332
CTR b 747354 747359
LKR a 18515667 18515667
LKR b 18515665 18515665
LKR l 18515667 18515667
SMK 3 1 1
SMK a 3848 3848
SMK b 3848 3848
SMK c 27 27
SMK h 6 6
SMK i 25 25
SMK j 3836 3836
SMK k 6 6
SMK q 1 1
STA a 90881 91042
STA b 90881 91042

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