The idea behind synapse is to act like a proxy to handle manual overrides and interactions with the brian-core.
You'll use synapse to directly communicate with it without the necessity to access the frontend or use the voice recognition system.
- RethinkDB
- Rethinkly
- Koa2
- Graphql
- apollo-server-koa
- RabbitMQ
- hoopa-logger
To have this api up and running you need to have both RabbitMQ and RethinkDB services ✅.
1 - Clone the repository
$ git clone
2 - Install the dependencies
$ yarn
3 - Copy the env example file
$ cp env.example .env
and fill it with the correct information related to your system (RabbitMQ and RethinkDB information) Also remember to restore the database structure
4 - Run the server
$ yarn start
The api should be available under http://localhost:4000/graphql, also the graphql playground docs with all available mutations and queries.