In this paper, we present a solution to the DEBS 2016 Grand Challenge that leverages Apache Flink, an open source platform for distributed stream and batch processing. The challenge focuses on the real-time analysis of an evolving social-network graph, to (1) determine the posts that trigger the current most activity, and (2) identify large communities that are currently involved in a topic.
We design the system architecture focusing on the exploitation of parallelism and memory efficiency so to enable an effective processing of high volume data streams on a distributed infrastructure.
Our solution to the first query relies on a distributed and fine-grain approach for updating the post scores and determining partial ranks, which are then merged into a single final rank. Furthermore, changes in the final rank are efficiently identified so to update the output only if needed.
The second query efficiently represents in-memory the evolving social graph and uses a customized Bron-Kerbosch algorithm to identify the largest communities active on a topic. We leverage on an in-memory caching system to keep the largest connected components which have been previously identified by the algorithm, thus saving computational time.
We run the experiments on a single node equipped with 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM. For a medium dataset size with 200k events, our system can process up to 2.5(?) kEvents/s with an average latency of 0.4(?) ms for the first query, and up to 2.8(?) kEvents/s with an average latency of 0.5(?) ms for the second query.
Giacomo Marciani
Marco Piu
Michele Porretta
Matteo Nardelli
Valeria Cardellini
Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
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