I am still addressing the Keycloak issue. I plan to build a custom Docker image for Keycloak to include the tt_realm_config.json file. It seems that the current and newer Keycloak Docker images are not importing the JSON realm configuration file correctly.
Go to: The keycloak docker issue
Go to The keycloak docker issue
The issue is still officially open. For now, the README.md update has been pushed to the master branch. The realm update is available in master branch, the docker-compose.yml is improved. The complete issue is expected to be officially closed within the next two to three days due to new tests.
Status: Dockerfile made, realm import is performed automatically.
This is my time tracker web app, actually its backend part, developed in Java.
NOTE: Check the Keycloak Docker issue
If You are inside timetracker directory
mvn test mvn clean test
If you are one directory above timetracker.
mvn test -f ./timetracker mvn clean test -f ./timetracker
if you are inside timetracker directory
mvn clean install
If you are one directory above timetracker
mvn clean install -f ./timetracker
NOTE: Check the Keycloak Docker issue
After successfully running tests and compiling the application, you can start the backend part.
First go to ./dev/time-tracker-dev-env/ perform
docker build . -t keycloak-ubuntu-test:4
THat will generate a docker image for Keycloak.
Then run
docker-compose up
docker-compose up -d
Next, you need to start the Gateway. If you are in the parent directory of timetracker, use the following command:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.semiramide.timetracker.gateway.Gateway" -f ./timetracker/gateway
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.semiramide.timetracker.Backend" -f ./timetracker/application
After you build and run the keycloak image and container, execute the following steps: - sudo apt install jq if you do not already have it - go to /dev/time-tracker-dev-env - chmod +x ./keycloak-flow-test.sh ./keycloak-flow-test.sh
If the output looks like the following one then tke keycloak works according to the desired behaviour:
Requesting access token...
Access token obtained successfully.
Creating a user...
Create user response:
Fetching user ID for email newuser@example.com...
User ID retrieved: 1411213d-e813-415f-a9dd-cf742639af8a
Updating user 1411213d-e813-415f-a9dd-cf742639af8a...
Update user response:
Assigning role EMPLOYEE to user 1411213d-e813-415f-a9dd-cf742639af8a...
Requesting client ID...
Client ID retrieved: 76e3892b-f346-4518-9720-897e6dbc9dbe
Role ID response:
Assign role response:
Deleting user 1411213d-e813-415f-a9dd-cf742639af8a...
Delete user response: