This is a role for transferring (large or small) files to NXOS devices. The role will copy the file to a switch. If desired, the switch can then be used as an SCP server by using the "switch_scp_server" option. Then all additional switches in the play will use that switch as the file server in order to speed up the transfer process at remote sites. If "switch_scp_server" is not set to true, files will be sent directly to all switches without using a switch as a local file server.
- Ansible 2.0
- pexpect (pip install pexpect)
- nxos-ansible (git clone
- dnspython (only required if using NXOS switch as SCP server)
- NXAPI enabled on switches
log_file_dir: "{{ playbook_dir }}/logs/"
enable_logging: True
transport: scp
ftp_timeout: 600
firmware_destination: "bootflash:"
switch_vrf: management
firmware_force: false
switch_scp_server: false
- hosts: nxos
connection: local
gather_facts: yes
- nxos_file_xfer
- firmware_file.bin
- epld_file.bin
- config_file.cfg
firmware_remote_server_path: /scp
switch_scp_server: False
firmware_force: False
transport: scp
- name: switch_username
prompt: "What is the switch username?"
private: False
- name: switch_password
prompt: "What is the switch password?"
- name: firmware_remote_user
prompt: "What is the firmware file server username?"
private: False
- name: firmware_remote_password
prompt: "What is the firmware file server password?"