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스크린샷 2023-08-01 오후 10 52 22

A discord bot for baekjoon users to improve PS skill

  • Personalized Recommendation of BOJ problems by analyzing PS skiils in Baekjoon
  • Daily notification with a single personalized BOJ problem
  • Improve your weakness by recommending problems
  • Register BOJ ID for getting recommendation

🚀 Getting Started

🤖 Adding the bot to your server

Click the link below and grant permissions for the bot to join your server (require additional server to add bot):

Add bot to your server

💻 Running the server locally

Clone this repository and run:

git clone
npm install
  • Make your application in the discord developer site
  • Create .env and fill the value with your discord bot token, and AWS RDS info
BASE_URL=   #You need to create your own model server and put its address
  • Type npm test to test the connection with your RDS
  • Type npm start to start the bot

📦 Using Docker

For those who prefer using Docker container, follow the instruction:

  • Create .env file and fill the value explained above.
  • Build an image and run a container.
  • Make sure to set the timezone in order to properly send daily problem.
docker build -t <image name> .
docker run -d <image name> -e TZ=<your time zone>