STATUS: unstable
A decent way to get/stay productive when contributing to NixOS/nixpkgs
Unless owning a huge body of experience, when contributing to NixOS/nixpkgs
you wonder:
- What's the currently "blessed" way of adding a say golang package? (tbd via nix flake templates)
- Where should that go within the folder hierarchy? (tbd via a small interactive utility script)
- How exactly do I properly test my prototype?
- Is the formatting in line with the current best practises?
- How to best deal with the github process (and the overwhelming amount of issues / prs)?
To find an answer to any of those questions, you could read through the manual, skim through github issues or scan the forum for clues and riddles.
You might even make a new friend along your quest.
But, if all you want to do is to get productive with your contributing job, this devshell provides you with a decent environment to start with. And in addition to a new friend, you might discover a tool or workflow that you didn't know before and that helps you get that contributing job done as effectively as possible.
$ cd NixOS/nixpkgs # your local clone of NixOS/nixpkgs
$ nix develop github:blaggacao/nixpkgs-devshell
🔨 Welcome to nixpkgs
[general commands]
menu - prints this menu
bugs - List issues labeled as bugs
gh - GitHub CLI tool
issue-status - Information about relevant issues
packaging-requests - List issues labeled as packaging requests (chill out work)
pr-status - Information about relevant PRs
editorconfig-checker - A tool to verify that your files are in harmony with your .editorconfig
evalnix - Check Nix parsing
fmt - Check Nix formatting
new - Bootstrap a new contribution from templates
review - Review your contribution against current upstream before submitting
update - Update a package / your contribution
$ new
Usage: new TEMPLATE
go-module how-to package a go module for nixpkgs
go-package how-to package a go package for nixpkgs
$ review
Usage: review [OPTS] COMMAND
--system review for a different architecure
unstaged review unstaged changes
staged review staged changes
$ update
Usage: update [OPTS] PACKAGE
--commit Commit the update with an appropriate commit message
--review Validate this and all dependent packages
nixpkgs-devshell, at its heart, is an opinionated devshell
- it provides a pre-selected set of ecosystem tooling that reflects current best practises
- it shows a practical message of the day, as the first point of contact
- it gradually might hold a growing collection of language-specific nix flake templates, as language subsystem maintainers begin to percive the value of submitting and maintaining them. (Please do! 😉)
- a way for language subsystems to provide up-to-date and authoritative templates / examples
- an interactive helper to navigate the nixpkgs folder hierarchy
- provide an environment flag to disable the message of the day
Copyright (c) 2021 David Arnold under the MIT.