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bit platform full CI #198

bit platform full CI

bit platform full CI #198

Workflow file for this run

name: bit platform full CI
ConnectionStrings__SqlServerConnectionString: 'Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=BoilerplateTestDb;Application Name=Boilerplate;TrustServerCertificate=True;User Id=sa;Password=P@ssw0rdP@ssw0rd;'
SIMPLE_TEST_FILTER: "ClassName!~PageTests"
BLAZOR_SERVER_TEST_FILTER: "ClassName~PageTests.BlazorServer"
BLAZOR_WASM_TEST_FILTER: "ClassName~PageTests.BlazorWebAssembly"
MULTILINGUAL_DISABLED_TEST_FILTER: "ClassName!~LocalizationTests|TestCategory=MultilingualDisabled"
name: build and test
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- name: Checkout source code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup .NET
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
global-json-file: src/global.json
- name: Setup .NET 8
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
dotnet-version: |
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 23
- name: Uninstall Bit.Boilerplate if running on ACT
continue-on-error: true
if: ${{ env.ACT }}
run: dotnet new uninstall Bit.Boilerplate
- name: Prepare environment
run: |
cd src/Templates/Boilerplate && dotnet build -c Release
dotnet pack -c Release -o . -p:ReleaseVersion=0.0.0 -p:PackageVersion=0.0.0
dotnet new install Bit.Boilerplate.0.0.0.nupkg && cd ../../../
dotnet workload install maui-tizen maui-android wasm-tools wasm-tools-net8
${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT "platform-tools"
- name: Install sql server
uses: potatoqualitee/mssqlsuite@v1.7
install: sqlengine
sa-password: P@ssw0rdP@ssw0rd
show-log: true
- name: Simple tests (no --advancedTests)
id: simple-test
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name SimpleTest --database Sqlite --framework net8.0
cd SimpleTest/src/Server/SimpleTest.Server.Api/
dotnet tool restore
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration --verbose
dotnet ef database update
cd ../../Tests
dotnet build
pwsh bin/Debug/net8.0/playwright.ps1 install --with-deps
dotnet test --logger GitHubActions --filter "${{ env.SIMPLE_TEST_FILTER }}"
- name: Upload Tests Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.4.1
if: ${{ !env.ACT && failure() && steps.simple-test.conclusion == 'failure' }}
name: tests-artifact
path: ./SimpleTest/src/Tests/TestResults
retention-days: 14
- name: Test Sqlite database option
id: sqlite-test
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestSqlite --database Sqlite --advancedTests --framework net9.0
cd TestSqlite/src/Server/TestSqlite.Server.Api/
dotnet tool restore
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration --verbose
dotnet ef database update
cd ../../Tests
dotnet build
pwsh bin/Debug/net9.0/playwright.ps1 install --with-deps
# dotnet test --logger GitHubActions --filter "${{ env.BLAZOR_SERVER_TEST_FILTER }}"
# dotnet test --logger GitHubActions --filter "${{ env.BLAZOR_WASM_TEST_FILTER }}" -- MSTest.Parallelize.Workers=1
- name: Upload Tests Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.4.1
if: ${{ !env.ACT && failure() && steps.sqlite-test.conclusion == 'failure' }}
name: tests-artifact
path: ./TestSqlite/src/Tests/TestResults
retention-days: 14
- name: Test SqlServer database option
id: sqlserver-test
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestSqlServer --database SqlServer --advancedTests --framework net8.0
cd TestSqlServer/src/Server/TestSqlServer.Server.Api/
dotnet tool restore
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration --verbose
dotnet ef database update
cd ../../Tests
# dotnet test --logger GitHubActions --filter "${{ env.BLAZOR_SERVER_TEST_FILTER }}"
# dotnet test --logger GitHubActions --filter "${{ env.BLAZOR_WASM_TEST_FILTER }}" -- MSTest.Parallelize.Workers=1
- name: Upload Tests Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.4.1
if: ${{ !env.ACT && failure() && steps.sqlserver-test.conclusion == 'failure' }}
name: tests-artifact
path: ./TestSqlServer/src/Tests/TestResults
retention-days: 14
- name: Test Multilingual disabled option
id: multilingual-disabled-test
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name MultilingualDisabled --database Sqlite --advancedTests --framework net8.0
cd MultilingualDisabled/src/Server/MultilingualDisabled.Server.Api/
dotnet tool restore
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration --verbose
dotnet ef database update
cd ../../Tests
# dotnet test -p:MultilingualEnabled=false --logger GitHubActions --filter "${{ env.MULTILINGUAL_DISABLED_TEST_FILTER }}" -- MSTest.Parallelize.Workers=1
- name: Upload Tests Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.4.1
if: ${{ !env.ACT && failure() && steps.multilingual-disabled-test.conclusion == 'failure' }}
name: tests-artifact
path: ./MultilingualDisabled/src/Tests/TestResults
retention-days: 14
- name: Test PostgreSQL, MySql, Other database options
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestPostgreSQL --database PostgreSQL --framework net8.0 --module Sales --signalR
cd TestPostgreSQL/src/Server/TestPostgreSQL.Server.Web/
dotnet build
cd ../../../../
rm -r "TestPostgreSQL"
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestMySql --database MySql --framework net8.0 --module Admin --offlineDb
cd TestMySql/src/Server/TestMySql.Server.Web/
dotnet build
cd ../../../../
rm -r "TestMySql"
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestOther --database Other --framework net9.0 --sample --sentry
cd TestOther/src/Server/TestOther.Server.Web/
dotnet build
cd ../../../../
rm -r "TestOther"
- name: Test file storage options
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestLocal --filesStorage Local --framework net8.0 --appInsights
cd TestLocal/src/Server/TestLocal.Server.Web/
dotnet build
cd ../../../../
rm -r "TestLocal"
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestAzureBlobStorage --filesStorage AzureBlobStorage --framework net9.0 --captcha reCaptcha --notification
cd TestAzureBlobStorage/src/Server/TestAzureBlobStorage.Server.Web/
dotnet build
cd ../../../../
rm -r "TestAzureBlobStorage"
- name: Test backend setup options
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestStandalone --api Standalone --framework net8.0
cd TestStandalone/src/Server/TestStandalone.Server.Api/
dotnet build
cd ../
cd TestStandalone.Server.Web/
dotnet build
cd ../../../../
rm -r "TestStandalone"
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestIntegrated --api Integrated --framework net9.0
cd TestIntegrated/src/Server/TestIntegrated.Server.Web/
dotnet build
cd ../../../../
rm -r "TestIntegrated"
- name: Test sample configuration 1
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestProject --database SqlServer --filesStorage AzureBlobStorage --api Integrated --captcha reCaptcha --pipeline Azure --module Admin --offlineDb --appInsights --sentry --signalR --notification --cloudflare --framework net9.0
dotnet build TestProject/TestProject.sln -p:MultilingualEnabled=true -p:Environment=Staging
rm -r "TestProject"
- name: Test sample configuration 2
continue-on-error: true
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name TestProject2 --database Other --filesStorage Other --api Standalone --captcha None --pipeline None --module None --offlineDb false --appInsights false --sentry false --signalR false --notification false --cloudflare false --framework net8.0
dotnet build TestProject2/TestProject2.sln -p:MultilingualEnabled=false -p:Environment=Development
rm -r "TestProject2"
- name: Create projects from BlazorEmpty project template with different parameters
run: |
cd src/Templates/BlazorEmpty && dotnet build -c Release
dotnet pack -c Release -o . -p:ReleaseVersion=0.0.0 -p:PackageVersion=0.0.0
dotnet new install Bit.BlazorEmpty.0.0.0.nupkg && cd ../../../
dotnet new bit-empty --name AutoGlobal --interactivity Auto --all-interactive --framework net9.0
dotnet new bit-empty --name SsrPerPage --interactivity None --framework net8.0
- name: Build blazor empty based projects
run: |
dotnet build AutoGlobal/AutoGlobal.sln
dotnet build SsrPerPage/SsrPerPage.csproj