An educational tool to get hands-on experience with the k-space and the effects of various modifications on the resulting image after an inverse Fourier transform.
Follow this link to run the online version (hosted on Streamlit cloud)
K-space Explorer Online is the experimental browser based version of K-space Explorer. The online version does not require any installation, and it can be used on any device capable of running a modern browser.
The software has many useful features, such as:
- A modern responsive user interface using Streamlit
- Automatic Fourier transform to instantaneously visualise changes
- Load your own images and analyse artefacts originating from k-space
Due to the differences in user interface capability, K-space Online does not have all the tools and features of the desktop version.
☕ This app was created in my spare time. If you find it useful please consider buying me a coffee with PayPal ☕
To try the online version of K-space Explorer, you do not need to install anything. There is a hosted version on Streamlit Cloud.
If you would like to install and run or host it on your own computer, follow the steps below
You will need to have the following software and packages
- Python 3 (ideally the latest version). Download from the Python 3 homepage.
Required Packages for Python 3:
- Streamlit - runs the code and displays the app
- Pillow - opens regular images such as jpg or png
- NumPy - handles FFT transforms and array operations
- pydicom - DICOM format medical image reader
Install via pip by copying the command below to a command prompt (Windows:
and typecmd
and press Enter)pip3 install numpy pydicom Pillow streamlit
Download the app and extract it
Navigate to the folder that contains the extracted software and run it by typing the command below
python -m streamlit run
More info about Streamlit can be found here.
This software is not intended for medical use. Even if a scanner original DICOM file is used, the resulting k-space is not equivalent to the scanner raw data as it contains all post-acquisition modifications applied by the scanner software.
Gergely Biró |