Backend repository for website.
This repository contains the source code for the backend of website, maintained by the BioJS organization. It uses the Django Framework. It is in its dormant stage right now. This README will be updated along with the progress made. A detailed report can be found on the BioJS Blog.
# install pip
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip # For Ubuntu
$ sudo easy_install pip # For OSX
# install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenv
# create a directory at the desired location for the virtual environment and create the environment
$ mkdir venv && cd venv
$ virtualenv .
$ source bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment
# clone the repository at the location of your choice and install the dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd biojs-backend
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# migrate the database
$ python migrate
# Create a personal Github access token in settings and use github username for CLIENT_ID
# export Github credentials to bypass rate limit
$ export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<username> && export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=<token>
# start the server
$ python runserver
# Collect components
$ python updatecomponents
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Enable debug logs by editing the DEBUG=False setting in biojs/