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340 lines (232 loc) · 14.8 KB

File metadata and controls

340 lines (232 loc) · 14.8 KB


All URIs are relative to https://localhost:8080/RestAPI

Method HTTP request Description
auth_capture POST /tokenization/auth-capture [Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href=&quot;;>BillForward.js</a>; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements]
braintree_card_capture POST /tokenization/braintree [Warning: for use only in PCI-compliant environments; for more information, <a href=&quot;;>contact us</a> regarding provisioning of your own on-premise BillForward instance] Captures raw credit card details into Braintree's vault.
pay_vision_shout_v1 POST /tokenization/payvision-shout-v1 [Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the PayVision servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.
pre_auth POST /tokenization/pre-auth [Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href=&quot;;>BillForward.js</a>; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements]
sage_pay_notify_v300 POST /tokenization/sagepay-notify-v3-00 [Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of receiving a callback from a SagePay card capture operation, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Handles SagePay Notification.
sage_pay_shout_v300 GET /tokenization/sagepay-shout-v3-00 [Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.


PaymentMethodPagedMetadata auth_capture(auth_capture_request)

[Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href="">BillForward.js; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements]

{"nickname":"Authorized card capture","response":"BFJSAuthCapture.html","request":"BFJSAuthCapture.request.html"}


# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'

api_instance =

auth_capture_request = # AuthCaptureRequest | The auth capture request.

  #[Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href=\"\">BillForward.js</a>; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements] 
  result = api_instance.auth_capture(auth_capture_request)
  p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TokenizationApi->auth_capture: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
auth_capture_request AuthCaptureRequest The auth capture request.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  • Accept: text/xml, application/xml, application/json; charset=utf-8


PaymentMethodPagedMetadata braintree_card_capture(opts)

[Warning: for use only in PCI-compliant environments; for more information, <a href="">contact us regarding provisioning of your own on-premise BillForward instance] Captures raw credit card details into Braintree's vault.

{"nickname":"Braintree Tokenization","response":"braintreeDirectTokenization.html","request":"braintreeDirectTokenization.request.html"}


# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'

api_instance =

opts = { 
  body: # BraintreeCaptureRequest | 

  #[Warning: for use only in PCI-compliant environments; for more information, <a href=\"\">contact us</a> regarding provisioning of your own on-premise BillForward instance] Captures raw credit card details into Braintree's vault.
  result = api_instance.braintree_card_capture(opts)
  p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TokenizationApi->braintree_card_capture: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
body BraintreeCaptureRequest [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8


String pay_vision_shout_v1(opts)

[Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the PayVision servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.

{"nickname":"Generate PayVision iframe redirect","response":"payVisionShoutV1.html","request":"payVisionShoutV1.request.html"}


# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'

api_instance =

opts = { 
  resource_path: "resource_path_example", # String | 
  id: "id_example" # String | 

  #[Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the PayVision servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.
  result = api_instance.pay_vision_shout_v1(opts)
  p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TokenizationApi->pay_vision_shout_v1: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
resource_path String [optional]
id String [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Accept: text/html


TokenizationPreAuthPagedMetadata pre_auth(pre_auth_request)

[Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href="">BillForward.js; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements]

{"nickname":"Pre-authorize card capture","response":"BFJSPreAuth.html","request":"BFJSPreAuth.request.html"}


# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'

api_instance =

pre_auth_request = # InsertableBillingEntity | The auth request.

  #[Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href=\"\">BillForward.js</a>; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements] 
  result = api_instance.pre_auth(pre_auth_request)
  p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TokenizationApi->pre_auth: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
pre_auth_request InsertableBillingEntity The auth request.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  • Accept: text/xml, application/xml, application/json; charset=utf-8


String sage_pay_notify_v300(opts)

[Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of receiving a callback from a SagePay card capture operation, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Handles SagePay Notification.

{"nickname":"Handle SagePay Notification","response":"sagePayNotifyV3_00.html","request":"sagePayNotifyV3_00.request.html"}


# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'

api_instance =

opts = { 
  organizations: ["organizations_example"], # Array<String> | A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls.Multiple organization-IDs may be specified by repeated use of the queryparameter. Example: ...&organizations=org1&organizations=org2
  bill_forward_url_root: "bill_forward_url_root_example", # String | The URL through which BFJS connected to BillForward.
  access_token: "access_token_example", # String | The public token through which BFJS connected to BillForward.
  vps_protocol: "vps_protocol_example", # String | 
  tx_type: "tx_type_example", # String | 
  vendor_tx_code: "vendor_tx_code_example", # String | 
  status: "status_example", # String | 
  vps_tx_id: "vps_tx_id_example", # String | 
  card_type: "card_type_example", # String | 
  token: "token_example", # String | 
  status_detail: "status_detail_example", # String | 
  last4_digits: "last4_digits_example", # String | 
  vps_signature: "vps_signature_example", # String | 
  expiry_date: "expiry_date_example" # String | 

  #[Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of receiving a callback from a SagePay card capture operation, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Handles SagePay Notification.
  result = api_instance.sage_pay_notify_v300(opts)
  p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TokenizationApi->sage_pay_notify_v300: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
organizations Array<String> A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls.Multiple organization-IDs may be specified by repeated use of the queryparameter. Example: ...&organizations=org1&organizations=org2 [optional]
bill_forward_url_root String The URL through which BFJS connected to BillForward. [optional]
access_token String The public token through which BFJS connected to BillForward. [optional]
vps_protocol String [optional]
tx_type String [optional]
vendor_tx_code String [optional]
status String [optional]
vps_tx_id String [optional]
card_type String [optional]
token String [optional]
status_detail String [optional]
last4_digits String [optional]
vps_signature String [optional]
expiry_date String [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Accept: text/plain


String sage_pay_shout_v300(opts)

[Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.

{"nickname":"Generate SagePay iframe redirect","response":"sagePayShoutV3_00.html","request":"sagePayShoutV3_00.request.html"}


# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'

api_instance =

opts = { 
  organizations: ["organizations_example"], # Array<String> | A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls.Multiple organization-IDs may be specified by repeated use of the queryparameter. Example: ...&organizations=org1&organizations=org2
  s: "s_example", # String | 
  t: "t_example", # String | 
  c: "c_example", # String | 
  e: "e_example", # String | 
  l: "l_example", # String | 
  d: "d_example" # String | 

  #[Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.
  result = api_instance.sage_pay_shout_v300(opts)
  p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TokenizationApi->sage_pay_shout_v300: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
organizations Array<String> A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls.Multiple organization-IDs may be specified by repeated use of the queryparameter. Example: ...&organizations=org1&organizations=org2 [optional]
s String [optional]
t String [optional]
c String [optional]
e String [optional]
l String [optional]
d String [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: text/plain
  • Accept: text/html