All URIs are relative to https://localhost:8080/RestAPI
Method | HTTP request | Description |
get_all_periods_for_subscription | GET /periods/{subscription-id} | Retrieve by subscription) |
get_latest_periods | GET /periods | Get all periods |
PeriodPagedMetadata get_all_periods_for_subscription(subscription_id, opts)
Retrieve by subscription)
{ "nickname" : "Retrieve by subscription","response" : "getPeriodsForSubscription.html"}
# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'
api_instance =
subscription_id = "subscription_id_example" # String | The subscriptionID of the usage.
opts = {
organizations: ["organizations_example"], # Array<String> | A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls.
offset: 0, # Integer | The offset from the first amendment to return.
records: 8766, # Integer | The maximum number of amendments to return.
order_by: "created", # String | Specify a field used to order the result set.
order: "ASC" # String | The direction of any ordering, either ASC or DESC.
#Retrieve by subscription)
result = api_instance.get_all_periods_for_subscription(subscription_id, opts)
p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PeriodsApi->get_all_periods_for_subscription: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
subscription_id | String | The subscriptionID of the usage. | |
organizations | Array<String> | A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls. | [optional] |
offset | Integer | The offset from the first amendment to return. | [optional] [default to 0] |
records | Integer | The maximum number of amendments to return. | [optional] [default to 8766] |
order_by | String | Specify a field used to order the result set. | [optional] [default to created] |
order | String | The direction of any ordering, either ASC or DESC. | [optional] [default to ASC] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
PeriodPagedMetadata get_latest_periods(opts)
Get all periods
{ "nickname" : "Get all periods","response" : "getPeriods.html"}
# load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'
api_instance =
opts = {
organizations: ["organizations_example"], # Array<String> | A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls.
offset: 0, # Integer | The offset from the first amendment to return.
records: 8766, # Integer | The maximum number of amendments to return.
order_by: "created", # String | Specify a field used to order the result set.
order: "ASC" # String | The direction of any ordering, either ASC or DESC.
#Get all periods
result = api_instance.get_latest_periods(opts)
p result
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PeriodsApi->get_latest_periods: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
organizations | Array<String> | A list of organization-IDs used to restrict the scope of API calls. | [optional] |
offset | Integer | The offset from the first amendment to return. | [optional] [default to 0] |
records | Integer | The maximum number of amendments to return. | [optional] [default to 8766] |
order_by | String | Specify a field used to order the result set. | [optional] [default to created] |
order | String | The direction of any ordering, either ASC or DESC. | [optional] [default to ASC] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8