by elixir designs
Bookery is an e-commerce store that satisfies your bookish needs and moods.
Visit bookery and check out popular and hot picks across multiple genres.
Features include-
- List of categories
- Product listing page
- Single product page
- Filter, search, sort products
- Users can click on a product to view detailed information on the product
- Wishlist Management
- Cart Management
- Address Management
- Orders Management
UI consists of -
Home page
Product catalog
Single Product Item Page
Wishlist Page
Cart Page
- Screenshot - ![Cart page screenshot]
Address Management Page
Orders Management Page
- Elixir UI - Component Library
- ReactJS
- React Router v6
- Backend with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
- To run this project locally, use the following command in your CLI:
git clone
- Open your favorite code editor and run locally!
Contributions and ideas to this library are more than welcome!
If you want to contribute or have ideas for this project, just fork the repo and create a PR. If you spot a bug, you are more than welcome to open an issue! Do ⭐ this project!
- Fork the Project
- Creata a branch for your feature/ idea. Please do give a good name for the branch that tells about the feature.
- Stage your changes
- Commit your changes
- Push the changes to your remote branch
- Open and Create a PR
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👩💻 Bharati Subramanian