Read epubs through the command line.
Book CLI is considered to be complete and archived.
curl -LO # Download the latest binary.
sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 book # Install Book CLI to "/usr/local/bin" with the mode "755"
You need Go (1.19+) installed to build this program. You can install it from your distro's repository using one of the following commands:
# Arch/Manjaro (and derivatives)
sudo pacman -Syu go
# Debian/Ubuntu (and derivatives)
sudo apt install golang-go
Alternatively, you can install it from Go's official website.
Then, to build & install Book CLI run:
git clone # Clone the repository
cd book # Change into the repository's directory
make # Build Book CLI
sudo make install # Install Book CLI to "/usr/local/bin" with the mode "755"
If you don't have access to sudo
on your system you can install to your user's ~/.local/bin
directory with this command:
install -Dt ~/.local/bin -m 755 book
book - Read epubs on the command line.
book [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
-o value output path when exporting (default: " ")
--help, -h show help