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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working
critical 🚨
critical 🚨
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate 👀
duplicate :eyes:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement ✨
enhancement :sparkles:
New feature or request
good first issue 👍
good first issue :+1:
Good for newcomers
help wanted ✋
help wanted :hand:
Extra attention is needed
higher 🔴
higher 🔴
invalid ❌
invalid :x:
This doesn't seem right
investigate 🔍
investigate :mag:
Needs looking into
lower 🟢
lower 🟢
medium 🟡
medium 🟡
on hold 🛑
on hold :stop_sign:
This is not likely to be addressed soon
ongoing ♾️
ongoing :infinity:
An ongoing record, log or checklist
question ❓
question :question:
Further information is requested
wontfix 😢
wontfix :cry:
This will not be worked on