This is a free tool allowing to synchronize Azure Devops Work items with local Task warrior.
- creates new Task warrior item for each missing Azure Devops Work item
- marks 'done' Task warrior item when corresponding Azure Devops Work item is completed
- various regex patterns can be configured to format Task name according to your criteria
You can either create a Virtual Environment (recommended if you use several Python projects) or not.
In the project main directory, you can execute the following instruction to create a venv environment:
python3 -m venv venv
Then you can activate it (will be effective only in the Terminal where you execute the instruction):
source venv/bin/activate
At any time, you can move back to your default environment:
The project provides a requirements.txt file defining dependencies.
To install them, execute (add the --user
option at end of command line, if you do NOT use Virtual environment):
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You must create your own configuration file ~/.config/task_warrior_azure_devops.conf, adapting this tool to your account and your environment.
You can create your configuration file from the sample provided in this project, under misc/task_warrior_azure_devops.conf.sample.
Before using this tool, you must:
- install Task warrior
- create a Personal Access Token
- create your configuration file from the provided sample
For easiest access, you can add the main directory of the project to your $PATH.
You can launch directly the tool:
Don't hesitate to contribute or to contact me if you want to improve the project. You can report issues or request features and propose merge requests.
The versioning scheme we use is SemVer.
This project is under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details