- Display Server X11
- Display Manager LightDM
- Greeter LightDM GTK Greeter
- Desktop Environment None
- WM i3-gaps
- Launcher Rofi
- Panel Polybar
- Compositor Compton
- GTK+ Theme Switcher Lxappearance
- GTK Theme Oomox
- Icons Qogir-manjaro-dark
- Cursor Bibata
- GTK Fonts Opensans, Vollkorn, Fira Code
- File Manager Thunar, Nautilus
- Web Browser Firefox
- Task Manager HTOP
- Power Manager TLP
- Image Viewer Viewnior
- Sound Mixer PulseAudio
- Terminal Tilix, Xfce4-terminal
- CLI Shell ZSH
- Archiver XArchiver
- Notification Daemon Dunst
- Graphic Editor GIMP
- CLI File Manager Ranger
- CLI Text Editor Vim
- GUI Text Editor SublimeText
- CLI Music Player MPD, Ncmpcpp, Cava
- GUI Music Player Rhythmbox
- Media Player MPV, SMPlayer, VLC
- Policy Kit Frontend Lxpolkit
- Screenshooter Scrot, Xfce4-screenshooter
- Wallpaper Handler Nitrogen, Pywal
- Super + Enter launch a terminal
- Super + Shift + Enter launch alternative terminal
- Super + Shift + W launch firefox
- Super + Shift + F launch thunar
- Super + D launch Rofi
- Super + Arrows change focus
- Super + Shift + Arrows move focused window
- Super + 1-9 switch to workspace 1-9
- Super + Shift + 1-9 move focused container to workspace 1-9
- Super + Q kill focused window
- Super + F fullscreen toggle
- Super + S layout toggle split
- Super + W layout stacking
- Super + Z layout tabbed
- Super + H split in horizontal orientation
- Super + V split in vertical orientation
- Super + Space floating toggle
- Super + Shift + Space focus mode_toggle
- Super + Shift + BackSpace reload the configuration file
- Super + Shift + r restart i3
- ..More keybinds just read the ~/.config/i3/config file
- If you want to use this configuration, inspect the code before use.
- Install git
- Clone this repo
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/berthosefin/i3-gaps ~/.i3-gaps
- Deploy the dotfiles
cp -a ~/.i3-gaps/. ~
- Change the default CLI Shell
chsh $(whoami) -s /bin/zsh
- If you find "birkhoff" in the configuration file, replace it with your own username.
- Edit some system configuration, example in ~/.i3-gaps/.system
- Reboot
- Fix some errors
- Start working