Angular 2 and beyond module to resize images down to a certain width and height or to reduce the quality to fit a certain maximal filesize - all in the browser.
This means, the huge image that the user may select will never even need to be uploaded to the server.
A simple demo is available on stackblitz:
This module is supported by all major browsers recent versions (IE 10+).
Make sure to include the following polyfill for HtmlCanvasElement.toBlob()
$ npm install blueimp-canvas-to-blob
Make sure to check out ng2-img-tools for further image manipulation such as resizing to an exact size (e.g. to create thumbnails) or image cropping as seen in the demo.
$ npm install ng2-img-max
Only needed for Angular versions prior to 13
// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Ng2ImgMaxModule } from 'ng2-img-max'; // <-- import the module
import { MyComponent } from './my.component';
imports: [BrowserModule,
Ng2ImgMaxModule // <-- include it in your app module
declarations: [MyComponent],
bootstrap: [MyComponent]
export class MyAppModule {}
import { Ng2ImgMaxService } from 'ng2-img-max';
constructor(private ng2ImgMaxService: Ng2ImgMaxService) {
this.ng2ImgMaxService.resize([someImage], 2000, 1000).subscribe((result)=>{
When using the compression methods you should make sure to catch the error cases.
If an error happens, you will receive an object with the following properties:
, reason
: string
and error
Possible errors are:
: File provided is neither of type jpg nor of type png). The compressedFile
is the original file.
: File provided is a png image which uses the alpha channel. No compression possible unless ignoreAlpha
is set to true. The compressedFile
is the original file.
: Could not find the correct compression quality in 15 steps - abort. This should rarely to never at all happen. The compressedFile
is the result of step 15 of the compression.
: This should actually never happen, just a precaution. The compressedFile
is the original file.
: Could not compress image enough to fit the maximal file size limit. The compressedFile
is a compression as close as it can get.
Example code catch errors:
this.ng2ImgMaxService.resize([someImage], 2000, 1000).subscribe(result => {
//all good, result is a file;
}, error => {
//something went wrong
//use result.compressedFile or handle specific error cases individually
compress(files: File[], maxSizeInMB: number, ignoreAlpha: boolean = false, logExecutionTime: boolean = false): Observable<any>
Method to compress an image. This reduces the quality of an image down until it fits a certain fileSize which is given as maxSizeInMB
Set ignoreAlpha
to true if you want to ignore the alpha channel for png images and compress them nonetheless (not recommended - the alpha channel will be lost and the resulting image might differ from the original image).
Returns an observable that for every file given, onNext receives either a File when everything went as planned or an error Object if something went wrong.
Same as above just that it takes in only one file instead of a whole array of files.
resize(files: File[], maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number, logExecutionTime: boolean = false): Observable<any>
Method to resize files if necessary down to a certain maximal width or maximal height in px. If you want only one limit just set the other max to 10.000: for example resize([myfile1,myfile2],2000,10000).subscribe([...]
Same as above just that it takes in only one file instead of a whole array of files.
Method that returns an image respecting the EXIF orientation data.
Due to the lack of other algorithms that also reduce the filesize of an image by reducing the quality until it fits a certain limit, help to find the best possible algorithm to do so is much appreciated. The current algorithm can be found here:
Although the resizing functions do use web workers to do the heavy work, this is not possible for the compression methods. The reasons for this are that a web worker does not have access to the DOM and can therefor not create a new HtmlCanvasElement. Neither can it be passed as a parameter to the web worker, as a web worker can only receive serializable data, which only be the ImageData but that can only be turned into a 2DCanvasContext, not a HtmlCanvasElement itself without the DOM.