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SPM implementation of
Based on :

  • O'Brien KR, Kober T, Hagmann P, Maeder P, Marques J, Lazeyras F, et al. (2014) Robust T1-Weighted Structural Brain Imaging and Morphometry at 7T Using MP2RAGE. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99676.
  • O'Brien K, Krueger G, Lazeyras F, Gruetter R, Roche A, A simple method to denoise MP2RAGE; 2013; Salt Lake City, Utah.pp. 269.
  • Marques, J. P., Kober, T., Krueger, G., van der Zwaag, W., Van de Moortele, P.-F., & Gruetter, R. (2010). MP2RAGE, a self bias-field corrected sequence for improved segmentation and T1-mapping at high field. NeuroImage, 49(2), 1271–1281.


SPM12 :


Clone the repo : git clone, or use direct download link >> here <<, then place freshly downloaded/cloned directory in spm12/toolbox/, such as spm12/toolbox/mp2rage. You can also use a symlink, such as ln -s path/to/mp2rage path/to/spm12/toolbox/mp2rage

That's all.

If you already started SPM in your MATLAB session, don't forget to refresh SPM paths with spm_jobman('initcfg');.

How it works

This repo is an extension of spm12, you can use the Batch Editor (spm_jobman) and open the tab SPM > Tools > MP2RAGE > choose-your-job

Remove background

The objective is to remove the "salt and pepper" background noise from the UNI image.

Method 1 (newer)

Use a INV2 as pseudo mask. No user tuning required.
Based on :

Method 2 (historical)

Use a INV1 + INV2 + regularisation factor. The regularisation factor has to be tuned by the user.
Based on :


To determine which regularization factor to use, you can use the job SPM > Tools > MP2RAGE > Interactive remove background
This will display the original UNI image and the denoised version with a popup where you can enter the regularization level and check the result immediately :


When you are settled with your regularization level, use "normal" job SPM > Tools > MP2RAGE > Remove background :

Estimate T1

This job will estimate T1map and R1map using sequence parameters and the UNI image.
Based on :

  • Marques, J. P., Kober, T., Krueger, G., van der Zwaag, W., Van de Moortele, P.-F., & Gruetter, R. (2010). MP2RAGE, a self bias-field corrected sequence for improved segmentation and T1-mapping at high field. NeuroImage, 49(2), 1271–1281.


Comments on the parameters

Parameter name Description dcm2niix json sidecar field on Siemens scanners
UNI image input T1 weighted x this image has the suffix \_UNI_image
Magnetic field strength B0 (T) in Tesla (T) MagneticFieldStrength x
MR2RAGE TR (s) Repetition time (TR) of the MP2RAGE RepetitionTime TR
EchoSpacing (s) in seconds (s), TR of the GRE readout does not exist tab Sequence > Part 1 > Echos pacing
Inversin Times (s) in seconds (s), such as [TI1 TI2] InversionTime TI
Flip Angles (°) in degree (°), such as [FA1 FA2] FlipAngle Flip angle
Number of slices per slab Number of slices per slab does not exist Slices per slab
PartialFourierInSlice The value range is 0 to 1 PartialFourier SlicePartialFourier, not PhasePartialFourier
expressed as a fraction such as 8/8, 7/8, ...
Fat saturation pulse x does not exist tab Contrast > Fat Sat
the option can be "nonce, "water excitation normal", "water excitation fast"