Releases: bengtmartensson/IrpTransmogrifier
Continuous build
WARNING: This is a snapshot of the current development stand. It may have different issues, and possibly does not work at all. If this is not what you want, use the latest official release instead.
Release 1.2.14
The yearly release. Many small bugfixes and improvements. See Releasenotes.
Although many lines of code has changed through refactorizations, the
present version consists of a few bug fixes and clarifications of medium importance.
Version 1.2.12
Mostly bugfixes of medium importance: Release notes.
Version 1.2.11
This version consists mainly of a few extensions, bug fixes and cleanups.
This is the Long Time Stable version 1.2.10.
Release notes:
- New protocols NEC-Yamaha and NEC1-Yamaha.
- Make RCMM32 an alias to Nokia32.
- Merge protocol fixes from rmProtocols.xml of RMIR, latest snapshot. #208.
- Make DirecTV an alias to DirecTV_P3. #206.
- Many small or internal fixes to the API, wrappers, tests, documentation, the build process.
- Added xpath processing to XmlTransmogrifier.
- Clarified Variations and remote marker; some constructs now disallowed, #200.
- New options --xml.
- Fixed broken xinclude, #199.
- Updated X10 protocols (mostly by Graham).
- Updated Apple protocol.
Bugfixes, new and fixed procols, minor other improvements.
A number of improvements and bug fixes.
A number of bugfixes and improvements.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.