Hi there 👋
Professionally, I have been acting as a tech leader, software architect, spec-writer, db-administrator, devtools-maker, etc. But I like to be mentioned as a full-stack developer because the source code development is the most creative process of all of the above.
- 🌍 I lived in different countries but now I am locating in Belarus or Kyrgyzstan, moving...
- 🖥️ I have no my personal websites, blogs, etc. I prefer to spend my time to write useful codes.
- 📫 But I can be reached via
- 👯 At present I have no goals requested any collaboration but I am ready to hear about any interesting activities.
- 🚀 Currently I'm focusing on several ideas, one of which is a promising pet-project
that keeps my attention more than others. - 🧠 Budda said: "We are what we think. With our thoughts, we make the world". It sounds attractively but how can we use it?
If you like my activities, it may be great to give me a ⭐ and/or share this link 🤗
The projects are developed and supported by @belset for free in spare time, so that financial help keeps the projects to be going successfully.