Restboard UI components for Quasar Framework
quasar ext add rb-ui
When installed, all components are registered globally so there's no need to explicitly import them.
Name | Description |
RbActionMenu | A collapsible menu for quick actions |
RbColumnAutoFilter | An Excel-like dyanmic column filter |
RbContainer | A responsive horizontal container |
RbDataCard | A default card with header, content and footer |
RbDataGrid | A grid layout, usually used with RbDataCard |
RbDataTable | A data table with column filters |
RbDateTimeInput | An input widget to set a date, time or datetime |
RbEmptyBanner | A banner to be used to show "empty" status |
RbFormWrapper | A default card-based form wrapper |
RbMedia | Used to show a media file preview |
RbPivotDataTable | A cross-table useful to show value distribution |
RbResourceCard | A card representation of a resource instance |
RbResourceCollection | Used to fetch a collection from an API resource |
RbResourceInstance | Used to fetch an instance from an API resource |
RbResourceSelect | A specific resource instance selector |
RbSelect | A filterable selector widget |
RbUploadArea | Used to upload a new media file |
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Copyright (c) Emanuele Bertoldi