Volume-13 Issue-3, February 2025, ISSN: 2319-6378 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Phase Composition and Parameters in Crystal Structure of Ceramic Composites based on ZrO2(MgO) – CaSiO3 System
Chatchai Duangsupa1, Kulkov S.N.2, Surat Wannasri3, Suwatchai Chaiyaphan4
Advances in Composite Structures: A Systematic Review of Design, Performance, and Sustainability Trends
Girmay Mengesha Aznaw
An Efficient AES Design and Implementation Using FPGA
Hasan Abdel Aziz Mohamed1, Mohamed A. Yakout2
Advanced Zebra Crosswalk Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques for Smart Transportation Systems
Md. Muktar Ali1, Tariqul Islam2
An End-to-End Pipeline for Medical Image Enhancement Using GANs Architecture
Jaskaran Singh1, Tirth Patel2, Apoorv Dankar3