- Interested in high-availability structures, Nix and cryptography.
- Virtual Reality, HAM & electronics hobbyist.
- FOSS & Linux enthusiast.
- Consumes battery acid while listening to music.
- Perfectionistic in a bad way.
These are the tools I'm willing to use nowadays. I may know a few more but I don't like using them.
- bddvlpr/resonance: My opinionated Nix configurations and modules.
- bddvlpr/fidelity: My opinionated Nix server configurations and modules.
- bddvlpr/untis-ics-sync: Serves a calendar API (ICS) for events provided from Untis.
- bddvlpr/unitypkg: Library and commandline for interacting with unitypackage files.
- nixos/nixpkgs: Nix Packages collection and NixOS.
Feel free to contact me on Discord at @ldgtl, Matrix at @luna:bddvlpr.com temporarily unavailable or use my e-mail contact@bddvlpr.com although responses might be slow.