Hey! I've created this camping script. You can craft a tent, and fill it with materials like TheForest style. Also a Campfire, and a bed. Its pretty optimized (0.038ms on profiler view). If you want to add new stuff, you are free to do it, you can even do a PR. :)
- You can craft a "skeleton tent", and you will need some materials in order to craft a real Tent. (configurable)
- You can craft a Campfire, turn it on and off.
- You can open and close your Tent.
- You can craft a Bed and sleep on it.
- You can make a hitching post for your horse
- Make the tent stay after server restart. (SQL needed)
- Add more furniture, like chairs, tables, storage, etc...
- Let you upgrade your campfire and cook on it. (With animations, etc..)
- Tell me more ideas! :3
You will need redemrp_notification and progressBars. You can replace it if you want!
Add this to your server.cfg
ensure redemrp_notification
ensure progressBars
ensure bc_camping
G : Open / Close Menu
Special thanks to:
- me - for the development
- PokeSerGG - For making the Campfire script
- warxander - For his WarMenu script
- Ktos93 - For the notification script
- Netholinus - Who helped me test and fix some bugs And the RedM Official Scripting discord for helping with some questions :P
If you want to edit the code and add more things, send a pull request. Any help is welcome.
If something is not working, or you find a bug, do let me know.
Discord inuckles#2105