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ntSynt-viz: Visualizing multi-genome synteny

  1. Credit
  2. Description
  3. Dependencies
  4. Installation
  5. Usage
  6. Examples
  7. Citing
  8. License


Written by Lauren Coombe


ntSynt-viz is an easy-to-use framework for generating ribbon plots combined with chromosome painting to visualize multi-genome synteny blocks. The tool is set-up to accept synteny blocks formatted in the ntSynt style, but any synteny block file that adheres to the simple, BED-like TSV format of ntSynt can be visualized using ntSynt-viz.

This flexible framework implements numerous features, including:

  • Option to normalize the strands of input chromosomes based on a target assembly
  • Synteny-guided ordering of assemblies from top-to-bottom, based on an input tree structure or distance estimates from the synteny blocks
  • Sorting chromosomes right-to-left based on synteny to adjacent assemblies
  • Colouring both the ribbons and chromosomes based on the target (top) assembly chromosomes

These features ensure that the output ribbon plots (powered by gggenomes) are as easily understandable and as information-rich as possible.


Installing dependencies using conda

conda install --yes -c conda-forge -c bioconda quicktree snakemake intervaltree r-base bioconductor-treeio r-ggpubr bioconductor-ggtree r-phytools r-dplyr r-argparse r-scales r-stringr
R -e 'install.packages(c("gggenomes"), repos = "")'

Setting up environment to run ntSynt-viz

Once all dependencies are installed, simply download the source code tarball, and add the bin directory to your PATH

tar xvzf ntSynt-viz-1.0.0.tar.gz
export PATH=/path/to/ntsynt-viz/github/ntSynt-viz/bin:$PATH


usage: [-h] --blocks BLOCKS --fais FAIS [FAIS ...] [--name_conversion NAME_CONVERSION] [--tree TREE] [--target-genome TARGET_GENOME] [--normalize]
                     [--indel INDEL] [--length LENGTH] [--seq_length SEQ_LENGTH] [--keep KEEP [KEEP ...]] [--centromeres CENTROMERES] [--haplotypes HAPLOTYPES]
                     [--prefix PREFIX] [--format {png,pdf}] [--scale SCALE] [--height HEIGHT] [--width WIDTH] [--no-arrow] [--ribbon_adjust RIBBON_ADJUST] [-f] [-n] [-v]

Visualizing multi-genome synteny

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  --blocks BLOCKS       ntSynt-formatted synteny blocks TSV
  --fais FAIS [FAIS ...]
                        FAI files for all input genomes. Can be a list or a file with one FAI path per line.

main plot formatting arguments:
  --name_conversion NAME_CONVERSION
                        TSV for converting names in the blocks TSV (old -> new). IMPORTANT: new names cannot have spaces. If you want to have spaces in the final ribbon
                        plot, use the special character '_'. All underscores in the new name will be converted to spaces.
  --tree TREE           User-input tree file in newick format. If specified, this tree will be plotted next to the output ribbon plot, and used for ordering the
                        assemblies. The names in the newick file must match the new names if --name_conversion is specified, or the genome file names in the synteny blocks
                        input file otherwise. If not specified, the synteny blocks will be used to estimate pairwise distances for the genome ordering and associated tree.
  --target-genome TARGET_GENOME
                        Target genome. If specified, this genome will be at the top of the ribbon plot, with ribbons coloured based on its chromosomes and (if applicable)
                        other chromosomes normalized to it. If not specified, the top genome will be arbitrary.
  --normalize           Normalize strand of chromosomes relative to the target (top) genome in the ribbon plots
  --centromeres CENTROMERES
                        TSV file with centromere positions. Must have the headers: bin_id,seq_id,start,end. bin_id must match the new names from --name_conversion or the
                        genome names if --name_conversion is not specified. seq_id is the chromosome name.
  --haplotypes HAPLOTYPES
                        File listing haplotype assembly names: TSV, maternal/paternal assembly file names separated by tabs.
  --no-arrow            Only used with --normalize; do not draw arrows indicating reverse-complementation

block filtering arguments:
  --indel INDEL         Indel size threshold [50000]
  --length LENGTH       Minimum synteny block length [100000]
  --seq_length SEQ_LENGTH
                        Minimum sequence length [500000]
  --keep KEEP [KEEP ...]
                        List of genome_name:chromosome to show in visualization. All chromosomes with links to the specified chromosomes will also be shown.

output arguments:
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix for output files [ntSynt-viz_ribbon-plot]
  --format {png,pdf}    Output format of plot [png]
  --scale SCALE         Length of scale bar in bases [100e6]
  --height HEIGHT       Height of plot in cm [20]
  --width WIDTH         Width of plot in cm [50]
  --ribbon_adjust RIBBON_ADJUST
                        Ratio for adjusting spacing beside ribbon plot. Increase if ribbon plot labels are cut off, and decrease to reduce the white space to the left of
                        the ribbon plot [0.1]

execution arguments:
  -f, --force           Force a re-run of the entire pipeline
  -n                    Dry-run for snakemake pipeline
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Example commands

All the files referenced in these commands can be found in the tests subfolder for you to use in testing.

Plot ribbon plots with an input cladogram in newick format, normalizing the strands of the assembly chromosomes --blocks great-apes.ntSynt.synteny_blocks.tsv --fais fais.tsv --tree --name_conversion --normalize --prefix great-apes_ribbon-plots --ribbon_adjust 0.14 --scale 1e9


Plot ribbon plots without input cladogram, skipping normalization of the assembly chromosome strands, specifying target (top) genome --blocks great-apes.ntSynt.synteny_blocks.tsv --fais fais.tsv  --name_conversion  --prefix great-apes_ribbon-plots_no-tree --ribbon_adjust 0.15 --scale 1e9 --target-genome Homo_sapiens


For more information about the output files from ntSynt-viz, check out our wiki page.

Using ntSynt-viz with synteny blocks from tools other than ntSynt

To visualize synteny blocks from synteny block detection tools other than ntSynt, the synteny blocks simply need to be converted to the straightforward ntSynt format. For convenience, we also provide some scripts to do this conversion in the conversion_scripts directory.


Thank you for your Stars and for using and promoting this free software! We hope that ntSynt-viz (& ntSynt) is useful to you and your research.

If you use nSynt-viz, please cite:

ntSynt-viz: Visualizing synteny patterns across multiple genomes

ntSynt-viz: Visualizing synteny patterns across multiple genomes
Lauren Coombe, Rene L Warren, Inanc Birol
bioRxiv 2025.01.15.633221; doi:


ntSynt-viz Copyright (c) 2025-present British Columbia Cancer Agency Branch. All rights reserved.

ntSynt-viz is released under the GNU General Public License v3

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

For commercial licensing options, please contact Patrick Rebstein