Daniel Wood's (runloop.com) Photoshop JSX Script to export for iOS Retina display
- Author: Daniel Wood (runloop.com)
- Twitter: @loadedwino
This script is intended to be used on a photoshop document containing retina artwork for iOS. It will resize, trim and save the selected layer or group, into a directory you select using the layer name (normalised) as the default file name. There are a couple of resizing options you can select such as the resizing method and whether to scale styles or not. It does not alter your original document in anyway.
In Photoshop, access File > Scripts > Browse and browse to the location of the "Export for iOS.jsx" file.
To install, simply copy the "Export for iOS.jsx" file to your Photoshop script directory.
- On Mac OSX: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CSXXX/Presets/Scripts.
- On Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS3\Preset\Scripts
You must restart Photoshop for the script to be available in the application.
Now you can launch the script by accessing File > Scripts > Export for iOS
You can create a script action button for this script by first installing the script.
- Open the actions pane: Window > Actions
- Create a new set , name it "iOS"
- Create a new action: name: "Export", set: "iOS", Function key: "None"
- Now launch the script File > Scripts > Export for iOS
- In your action pane stop recording and switch to button mode!